Happy Easter Sunday!
In my lifetime, never could I imagine a time when I would spend Easter away from our children and grandchildren, my mom and dad, siblings, in-laws, nieces and nephews.
Years of traditions, reunions, laughter, and silliness are not allowed this year. Because of what? Fear!?! This is unbelievable and makes no sense to me. Because of my research and consulting with experts, COVID-19 must be about something else!
It is time to focus on the reason for today regardless of what we can or cannot do…
Today is not about stuffing ourselves with chocolate or finding gifts from the Easter Bunny. This is the beautiful celebration of beginnings… The Resurrection.
We will figure out a way to create warmth on this Holy-day but it can only happen with a shift and a heart of gratitude. This gratitude will promote the joy of a new beginning, of hope, of reinvention, and of adventure.
May the resurrected Christ become ever-present in your hearts and may you feel blessed by the Holy Spirit, our advocate!
Happy Easter Blessings & Much Love!
I am still excited about all last week’s shows… Such great inspirational people who touched my life. I hope you enjoyed them as well. If you missed listening to or watching any of last week’s shows, there are many ways you can still do that. All new shows are updated to our website on the day they air (Click Here to listen). You can watch my past shows on (YouTube, and on Facebook. Or you can go to Apple Podcasts, Google Play Music, Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn or iHeartRadio. search for “Lillian McDermott,” and listen to the podcasted shows, commercial free, at your leisure (Click Here to learn more). Let’s continue to Grow Together!
It is a new week and here is what’s happening on
The Lillian McDermott Radio Show/Classroom!
Monday, 4-13-20 Facebook Watch Party 5:05 pm ~ I have loved learning and growing on The Lillian Mcdermott Radio Show. From time to time, I want to do the show without all the timing, repetition, and interruptions that come from being on the radio. Once a month, I will pick a topic that we can all discuss on Facebook LIVE. This month I want to talk about taking 100% Responsibility and how we can truly break free from a victim mentality. I look forward to trying something new and spending time together… Just the Tribe! (Aired 4-18-19)
Tuesday, 4-14-20 Facebook LIVE 5:05 pm ~ Melissa Yamaguchi is a dynamic Energy Therapist and a Feng Shui speaker and educator. She travels the world teaching lessons on balance of the individual through the practice of Feng Shui. She has been a student of it for over twenty years. When I heard her speak for the first time, I knew she would be a great teacher in the classroom. Melissa will help us understand how Feng Shui is about owning our own energy so we can learn how to control our reactions.
Wednesday, 4-15-20 Facebook LIVE 5:05 pm ~ As we are in quarantine, for COVID-19, many are gaining weight. This is referred to as the “quarantine 15!” What happens when anyone gains 15 lbs. or perhaps is diabetic? Did you know that some diabetics have reversed their diabetes within 2 weeks? Yes! World renowned, New York Times bestselling author, Joel Fuhrman, MD, is passionate about using food as medicine. G-BOMBS (Greens, Beans, Onions, Mushrooms, Berries, and Seeds) are the best prescription. Well, Dr. Fuhrman will share how to turn the “quarantine 15” into his Transformation 20 Diabetes Solution!
Thursday, 4-16-20 Facebook LIVE 8:05 am ~ Times are changing and many brick and mortar businesses have shut down. Consumers have turned to the internet for purchasing almost everything! Last month, we discussed “The Great Reset” with Rebecca Black and Kelli Bono, co-founders of Keep Me Safe Organics. This month Rebecca and Kelli are back to share how we too can start our own online business and be successful. It is time to take our finances back!
By the way, to get 10% off your purchase, go to Keep Me Safe Organics, enter code “Lilly10,” and SAVE!
Friday, 4-17-20 Facebook LIVE 8:05 am ~ There are times when we use words like “fighting,” “working hard,” or “struggling,” to describe our lives. But these words can cause our body to break down. Perhaps it is appropriate to work towards creating and achieving the life we want. How can we just embrace what is? I will share how we can improve on what is going wrong by focusing on what we want. (Aired 11-16-18)
It is a busy week and I hope you will set your reminder to meet me on the air… Let’s all listen & learn together!
So, let’s discuss, listen and we will all learn together…
The Lillian McDermott Radio Show/Classroom
Worldwide at WhenYouNeedaFriend.com
Follow Me on ~ Facebook, Instagram, Twitter & YouTube!
On Demand: Just click… Apple Podcasts, Google Play Music, Spotify, Stitcher, Tunein or iHeartRadio!
Listen on your Computer or Smart Phone or click “Listen Live,” then select the correct time… It is that easy!