You can still enjoy the Optimal Treatment of Disease Workshop with Thomas Levy, MD, JD,. Please click on the button below to purchase the online recorded version of this great workshop.
The short video above is YOUR invitation to join this special workshop with Thomas Levy, MD, JD
Are you a healthcare practitioner who wants to learn practical protocols for the treatment of disease from Dr. Thomas Levy? Have you utilized the synergies of Vitamin C, Hydrogen Peroxide, and Hydrocortisone in the treatment of disease?
Do you have patients who have been treated for pain and other health symptoms without relief? Do you have patients dealing with the virus side effects or with long-haulers? Do you want to understand what makes people sick and how to help them get better and recover? Once you discover Dr. Thomas Levy’s Optimal Treatment of Disease, we believe you’ll never look back!
For a price of just $399, each purchaser:
Will experience learning directly from Thomas Levy, MD, JD
Will learn Optimal Treatments of Disease Protocols that can be implemented immediately
Will benefit by learning how to relieve pain and other health symptoms
Will be stunned to learn the one essential key to the cause and elimination of all disease
Will receive the links to download FIVE of Dr. Levy’s digital books:
Rapid Virus Recovery
Primal Panacea
Death by Calcium
Magnesium: Reversing Disease
Hidden Epidemic
Upon completion, healthcare practitioners will receive a certificate verifying completion of the Dr. Levy Protocol Training.
No refunds can be given once the email with the five eBooks has been sent. No refunds will be given after Sunday, February 19, 2023.
“This Will Be the Most Important Workshop You Will Attend… EVER!”

Here are some workshop details:
We met on Sunday, February 26, 2023 from 12 pm to 6 pm Eastern Time
The session was conducted on Zoom.
The session was recorded for viewing in case you could not attend live or in case you want to view multiple times
This will be a course presenting expert information on this subject