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New Truths Series

Participation in our amazing Bible Study Series is still available even though the sessions are complete.  To benefit from all the resources of this series, please click on the button below to purchase access to all of the video content and documentation.

New Truths Series: The Book of Revelation with Dr. Lorraine Day

Although this series has concluded, we are happy to offer the entire 12-week session on DVD!

We are currently accepting orders for this remarkable set.  Click the button below to order your set today!


Why Study the Book of Revelation Now?

The Myths about the Book of Revelation?

Who’s Qualified to Teach the Book of Revelation?

Meet & Greet Highlights

If you purchased access to this Bible Study series, please enter your provided password in the spaces below and click the “Watch Video” button. If the password spaces and buttons are not visible, please clear the cookies and cache on your web browser. For general instructions on clearing cookies and cache on various browsers, click the button below. If you continue to have an issue after clearing your browser, please contact us.


#2: Revelation 6 – The 7 Seals

#3: Revelation 8, 9, 10 – The 7 Trumpets

#4: Revelation 11 & 12 – The Woman and the Dragon

Click here to see the Q&A document for Week 4. 

This has been revised since first published. More Q&A were added.

#5: Revelation 13 – The Mark of the Beast

#6: Revelation 14 – Three Angels’ Messages

#7: Revelation 16 – The 7 Last Plagues

#8: Revelation 17 – The Woman on the Beast

#9: Revelation 18 – Babylon Falls

#10: Revelation 19 – The Judgments of God

#11: Revelation 20 – 1st & 2nd Resurrections

#12: Revelation 21 & 22 – The New Jerusalem & Heaven and the New Earth