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About Lillian McDermott

I have been in Sales & Marketing most of my career and I am the owner of Lillian M. McDermott & Associates. As a Daughter, Wife, Mother, Grandmother, Sister, Cousin and Friend my purpose is to reach out to all who are open. My belief is that life is perfect and a huge classroom full of Gifts & Lessons but only if one chooses to look at life with Gratitude! Even though I have a full time career in Legal & Medical Marketing, I am also a soloist at my church, a Certified Life Coach and the Host of The Lillian McDermott Radio Show/Classroom.

The purpose of the show is to Empower those who have forgotten they matter and create 100% Responsibility for everything we do. Each week, my focus is to share friendly and respectful discussions that lead to growth. From the wise unknown person to internationally renowned celebrity experts, all come on the show to share “Love and Knowledge”! I am so grateful that the show has allowed me to reach out beyond my “Circle of Friends”, to my “Listening Friends” and share the message of Hope.
I believe that people do not need to have a PhD to give good, friendly advice; you just need to be a good friend and trust your intuition. That’s why this site was created: to offer a different perspective and be a friend to anyone who needs a good friend to turn to. It is my commitment to promote Healing and it is my mission to make Awareness, Responsibility and Truth a part of our everyday life.
Go through life with childlike wonder!

It is my goal that I learn from the people around me, as we are all both teachers and students. I want everyone I encounter to feel Empowered, & Loved but sometimes we have days, we all do, when we just need a safe place… A place that is Judgment Free and one that will support you in your journey! This website is a “work in progress” just like me! So if there is a topic you want to hear on the show; an issue, problem or victory that you want to share, please email me.
Let each day bring you Love, Peace, Joy and Unexpected Abundance… I hope, in this website and in life, you find what you need!  Make it the BEST DAY EVER!

Lilly’s Other Projects

Florida Today Newspaper

Florida Today Published Articles

Lillian M. McDermott & Associates