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Happy Sunday!



Things don’t always end up as we plan but they always end up as we need…  Last week I had shared my plans to go on a family vacation.  Because of that plan, prerecorded shows were picked and my husband, Robert, who is a college professor, arranged to do minimal work while gone.  Little did we know, we would get a call that would change all of our plans.



My father-in-law ascended the day before our vacation was to start.  It is amazing how our priorities can change in the flash of light. And because of all our preparation to free ourselves up, we were able to be there for Robert’s mom and his family.  What a blessing to be able to be together during this time and support each other.



We are glad that Robert and I had no issues with his father but there are many that allow issues to keep them apart.  If grudges, resentment and unkind words are keeping you from the ones your love, it is time to create a space of love.  Forgive, Love, and Reconcile.   Don’t wait…  Life is urgent!



I truly hope you enjoyed listening to last week’s previously aired shows…  Such great inspirational people who touched my life and I hope you heard something new, this time around.  If you missed listening to any of last week’s shows, they are already in the site… Click Here to listen and let’s continue to Grow Together!




It is a new week and here is what’s happening on

The Lillian McDermott Radio Show!




Monday, 8-24-15 – 8 am to 9 am ~  It is “Military Monday” and Dr. Scott Fairchild of Bay Tree Behavioral Health, has spent most of his career making a difference in the field of psychology.  Dr. Fairchild helps people, especially military men and women, deal with PTSD.  We will discuss the symptoms and the different ways people are healing from this diagnosis.





Tuesday, 8-25-15 – 8 am to 9 am ~  Our favorite psychotherapist, Dr. David Baker Hargrove is baaack and each time he joins us on the show, he seems to go deeper into the human spiritual condition.  On this day, we will discuss how to reconnect with our selves.





Wednesday, 8-26-15 – 8 am to 9 am ~ When I watched the documentary Forks Over Knives,” I knew my life would never be the same.  Dr. T. Colin Campbell was one of the doctors in this documentary and I am having an out-of-body experience because he will be on the show and I cannot wait to learn more from him.  Soooo  Excited!






Thursday, 8-27-15 – 8 am to 9 am ~ I love “Thankful Thursday’s” and Kristi Nelson, the director for “A Network For Grateful Living” is back!  This time we will discuss the art of listening.  Learning how to listen is key to strong, intimate relationships but how do we learn to listen with a grateful heart?  (Let’s listen and learn together 😉 )  (Originally Aired 7-16-15)



Friday, 8-28-15 – 8 am to 9 am ~  When Jeff Kuske saw the Life Vest Inside video on YouTube called “Compassion Boomerang” his life changed forever.  On this “Compassion Friday” we will discuss how compassion changed his life and how it can change our lives too.




It is a busy week and I hope you will set your reminder to meet me on the air…  Let’s all listen & learn together!






So talk to me, listen and we will all learn together…  

The Lillian McDermott Radio Show

~  Weekdays from 8 am to 9 am  ~

On “The Talk To Me Station” AM 1060 WMEL & Worldwide on www.WhenYouNeedaFriend.com

Follow Me on ~  Facebook , Instagram: Lillian_McDermott &

Twitter: LillianMcD


Listen on your Smart Phone by going to my homepage and scroll down to “live stream”!  It is that easy!  😉


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