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Happy Sunday!

I am so grateful for down time… time doing nothing and no expectations to do more.

Have you ever wanted to just get away and unplug? If so, what does that mean? Potentially, if we are wanting to unplug it could be because we:

  • Have bitten off more than we could chew.
  • Are unhappy with the current situation.
  • Need to numb or escape.
  • Procrastinated… and things are piling up.
  • Have too much noise and chatter in our mind.
  • Are listening to what our body needs.
  • Know there is nothing wrong with unplugging and replenishing our body.

Regardless of our reason, we can always take a moment to honor what our body is telling us. That is when we can determine how to address what our body needs. Could it be that we need to:

  • Give up control… Delegate.
  • Face the issue… Find a solution.
  • Take a vacation… It doesn’t need to cost much.
  • Break down what needs to be done and do it… Take a bite of the elephant!
  • Meditate or pray for wisdom… Listen!
  • Let your commitment to self be greater than fear… Feelings are fleeting.
  • Give yourself GRACE!

The bottom line is that we need to take a moment and lean into whatever we are feeling… God will whisper into our hearts and point us to our SOLUTION!


Here are some important events happening in The Classroom that will help with creating positive change in your life:



  • Could a disrupted microbiome be making you sick? It is time to learn about what microbes could be missing from your gut. Join the 6-week Super Gut Course with William Davis, MD.
      • August 1, through September 5, 2023
      • Meet: Tuesdays from 7 pm to 9 pm ET (All sessions will be recorded and can be viewed anytime.)
      • Cost: $199.00 
      • Click Here to REGISTER or Learn More!


  • The Emotion Code & Body Code: What is a symptom telling you? How do imbalances hold you back and affect your life? Your body is always speaking to you… Listen, Release, and change your life.
    • Click Here to learn more about attending a workshop with the creator of The Body Code, Dr. Bradley Nelson.
    • This 2-day LIVE event is November 3 – 4, 2022, in Cape Canaveral, FL.  REGISTER NOW!
    • Admission: $550.00 (Early Registration $520.00 Ends on 8/31/23)
    • Admission & VIP: $699 (Early Registration $669.00 Ends on 8/31/23)






  • Are you having a symptom that your practitioner cannot figure out? Have you given up on feeling well? When was the last time you were symptom free? Perhaps you will find the solution you are looking for. 


  • Optimal Treatment of Disease: This virtual workshop is for healthcare practitioners who want to learn practical protocols for the treatment of disease from Thomas Levy, MD, JD.
    • Learn the protocols and synergies of Vitamin C, Hydrogen Peroxide, and Hydrocortisone in the treatment of disease.
    • Learn protocols to relieve pain and other health symptoms
    • Get answers to specific health questions
    • Cost $399.00
    • Click Here to learn more and register! 
      • When you register for the Optimal Treatment of Disease course, you will also receive the links to download FIVE of Dr. Levy’s digital books!
        • Rapid Virus Recovery
        • Primal Panacea
        • Death by Calcium
        • Magnesium: Reversing Disease
        • Hidden Epidemic



  • 30-Day Raw Vegan Challenge: Have you ever wondered what you would feel like if you only ate real food like nature intended? Well, I did, and it changed my life!
    • Experience your 30 days with our original group!
    • Learn tricks, tips, and most importantly, how to be healthy in an unhealthy world.
    • The challenge runs anytime you want to start!
    • Cost: $49.00 for online videos
    • Accept the Challenge… Purchase Now!


  • Roadmap to Health: Discover the roadmap to pain and symptom relief with Thomas Levy, MD, JD.
    • Online recording of 6-hour workshop will be filled with real science and natural empowering remedies the allopathic community does NOT want you to know.
    • Cost: $350.00 
    • Click Here to learn more and register! 


I am still excited about all last week’s class sessions…  Such great inspirational people who touched my life. I hope you enjoyed them as well. If you missed listening to or watching any of last week’s lessons, there are many ways you can still learn and grow. All new classes are updated to our website on the day they air (Click Here to listen). You can watch my past classes on  YouTube, Facebook, Odysee and BitChute. You can also go to Apple Podcasts, Google PodcastSpotify, Stitcher, TuneIn or iHeartRadio. search for “Lillian McDermott,” and listen to the “podclass,” at your leisure (Click Here to learn more). Let’s continue to Grow Together!



It is a new week and here is what’s happening on

The Lillian McDermott Radio Show/Classroom!



Monday, 8/14/23 Facebook Watch Party 12:05 pm   ~ I am committed to grow bolder, not older. Lately, I feel like I have aged 5 years in a few months. Even when tweaking my diet, supplements, thyroid medication, and practicing selfcare, it just has not been enough. If I am still for longer than 5 minutes, I can feel myself becoming one with whatever furniture is supporting me and I want to take a nap. This is not like me. But it has become the norm. My medical practitioners and I have been trying to get to the root cause. Last week we received a call from Lee Cowden, MD, that may have given us a new direction towards health. I will share what happened during that call and what we are going to do about it. (Aired 8/23/22)


Tuesday, 8/15/23 WYNAF, Telegram, YouTube or Facebook PREMIERE 12:05 pm  ~ Have you ever read the Bible? Are you afraid that you might not understand it when you do read it? Would you like to read the Bible without fear of misinterpretation? Pastor Brandon Robbins knows how it feels to not understand the scriptures. But his thirst for wisdom of God’s word created a passion to not only understand it but be able to teach it to others. Brandon will share scriptures that are often misunderstood and help us discern God’s truth.


Wednesday, 8/16/23 WYNAF, Telegram, YouTube or Facebook PREMIERE 12:05 pm  ~ World-renowned integrative physician, Lee Cowden, MD guided us towards health during the M3 Detox Experience, as we learned about mold, metals, and microbes toxicity. Dr. Lee has been and still is instrumental in teaching medical practitioners how to be natural, functional, alternative, and integrative. Last month, Dr. Lee taught us the importance of releasing negative trapped emotions. We also discussed the importance of embracing a higher power. Dr. Lee is back to share about the character and the promises of God. 


Thursday, 8/17/23 WYNAF, Telegram, YouTube or Facebook PREMIERE 12:05 pm  ~ Jennifer Gramith, ND, CLT, of Rightway Health and Wellness, has taught us all about the lymphatic system, dealing with emotions, and the importance of a balanced mindset. She has helped us cleanse our Gallbladder/Liver and taught us about the latest in energy medicine by introducing us to tools like EVOX and ZYTO. I believe we take our lymphatic system for granted. But what is it about the lymphatic system that makes it so important. Dr. Jen will share the keys to a healthy lymphatic system.


Friday, 8/18/23 Facebook Watch Party 12:05 pm  ~ To quote Eckhart Tolley “What we resist, persists.” How many times do we resist what is happening in our lives? Would it be easier to give in, comply, or give up? How much time do we waste complaining about our circumstances? Recall Healing expert Michelle LaMasa-Dawson, PhD, has helped many dive into what could be causing their dis-ease. She will share what can happen to our body when we are in resistance. (Aired 8/24/22)


It is a busy week and I hope you will set your reminder to meet me on the air…  Let’s listen, discuss, and all learn together!


The Lillian McDermott Radio Show/Classroom ~ When You Need a Friend…

LIVE on: Telegram, Facebook, YouTube &

Worldwide at WhenYouNeedaFriend.com

LIKE & Follow Me:   FacebookInstagram, & Twitter 

Subscribe:   Website, Odysee, BitChute YouTube!

On Demand:   Apple Podcasts, Google PodcastSpotify, Stitcher, TuneIn or iHeartRadio!


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