Happy Sunday!
How many of you wish you had more time? I do…
If you had more time, what would you do differently? What would you add to or take away from your life?
When I was younger, time was abundant… I did not think about time other than filling it with fun, fantasy, twirling around on my tippy toes while I created my latest ballet routine for my dolls as they watched me perform.
As a teenager, time was abundant… I did not mind going to The School of Performing Arts and learning new ways to twirl around as we performed in front of our parents, family, and strangers who were there to see their children perform. Life was focused on creativity and discipline. I saw schoolwork as a waste of my time since I wanted to be a Rockette!
As a young adult, time was wasted… I was not able to dance due to no longer having cartilage in my knees. I felt a bit lost because a new passion needed to be found. I watched soap operas with my mom. I started to work full-time and attended college part-time. I was promoted. At least I felt promoted beyond my capabilities. A feeling of “not enough” seemed to plague me. Going out dancing with my friends and having fun allowed me to at least camouflage my self-doubts.
As a wife and new mom, time was structured… Priorities changed! My focus was being the best wife and mother I could be. I joined groups that allowed me to learn about parenting. I met new people who shared my passion for staying home with our children. I worked out. Staying connected with family and friends was important to me. My life seemed out of balance. Yet structure, discipline, and gratitude for my children helped me override deep feelings of “will I ever get this right?”
As I entered the second phase of my life when there were no children in our home, there was never enough time… where did that abundance of time go? I can honestly say I wasted it by being distracted, watching too much TV/social media, having too many acquaintances, and focusing on things that really did not matter. Time was something I took for granted and perhaps did not use wisely.
Today, I want to use my time wisely. But first I must refocus. My mindset must make time abundant again. There is a part of me that wants to play again and spend more time with our family, our children, and our dear friends. I want to travel and see the world. Yet I feel guilty that I am not doing what I was called to do. I must hold on to the voice of God that says, “I have plans for you… you are enough!”
There is so much I have yet to accomplish. I wonder if you feel the same way. As we enter the month of February, let’s look at the things that are stealing our time, fill it with things that truly matter, and focus on our goals. Find that passion within that is wanting to burst out. Get rid of all the limiting beliefs that tell us, “There is not enough time… We are too old… We are not enough…”
Even when time was abundant, it was still the same 24 hours… Let’s treat these precious hours as if our life depends on it!
We can ask ourselves:
- If time, finances, age, circumstance, were not an issue, what do I want to create?
- What are the things that steal from my time and keep me from achieving my goals?
- What new habits can I add that will help me get closer to my goals?
- How can I meet new people who are likeminded so we can help each other achieve our goals?
The truth is… It is time to rewrite our story. We cannot go back and change the beginning. But we can certainly change how the story ends!
Here are some important events and workshops in The Classroom that will help with creating positive change in your life:
Mark your calendars…
~ I AM the SOLUTION Natural Health Summit for Cancer & Autoimmune Dys-Ease ~
Saturday, November 1, 2025!!!
in Rockledge, Florida
- Are you or someone you know suffering from memory loss or brain fog? Would you like to overcome depression, anxiety, or attention difficulties? Are you tired of taking medication to help calm you down, but it creates other issues? Are you wanting to improve things in your life, but something is holding you back? If you can relate to one or more of these questions, then this is the Virtual Webinar for you!
- Rewiring the Brain with Neurofeedback Training: John Silva, DC, teaches us how faulty wiring of our brain can keep us from peak performance and achieving our goals!
- Cost: $49.95
- Click Here to learn more & REGISTER!
- Get closer to God and learn the gifts & lessons from our ancestors that are so relevant to us today in these times.
- Click Here to purchase the online digital version of the New Truths Series: 100+ Lessons from the Exodus Bible Study with Dr. Lorraine Day.
- Or you can ORDER the DVD version of this EPIC course! Click Here to order your DVD set now!
- Learn what the Bible says about the end of times.
- Purchase the online digital version of the New Truths Series: Book of Revelation with Dr. Lorraine Day.
- Or you can ORDER the DVD version of the Book of Revelation Bible Study! Click Here to order your DVD set now!
- Could a disrupted microbiome be making you sick? It is time to learn about what microbes could be missing from your gut. Join the 6-week Super Gut Course with William Davis, MD.
- 6-week course
- 12 hours of invaluable and life-changing information
- Cost: $199.00
- Click Here to REGISTER or Learn More!
- Are you having a symptom that your practitioner cannot figure out? Have you given up on feeling well? When was the last time you were symptom free? Perhaps you will find the solution you are looking for.
- M3 Detox Experience – Mold Metals Microbes
- From Treatment To Recovery, With Support
- Co-Hosted with Lee Cowden, MD
- Learn from Thomas Levy, MD, JD, Jennifer Gramith ND, Doug Kaufmann, Joel Fuhrman, MD, Richard Horowitz, MD, Michelle LaMasa Dawson, PhD, and more, how to Take Our Health Back!
- Cost: *$299.00 REGISTER NOW!
- Optimal Treatment of Disease: This virtual workshop is for healthcare practitioners who want to learn practical protocols for the treatment of disease from Thomas Levy, MD, JD.
- Learn the protocols and synergies of Vitamin C, Hydrogen Peroxide, and Hydrocortisone in the treatment of disease.
- Learn protocols to relieve pain and other health symptoms
- Get answers to specific health questions
- Cost $399.00
- Click Here to REGISTER or Learn More!
- When you register for the Optimal Treatment of Disease course, you will also receive the links to download FIVE of Dr. Levy’s digital books!
- Rapid Virus Recovery
- Primal Panacea
- Death by Calcium
- Magnesium: Reversing Disease
- Hidden Epidemic
- Liver and Gallbladder fast/cleanse: Learn the function of the liver and gallbladder with Jennifer Gramith, ND, CLT of Rightway Health and Wellness.
- 3-day Fast & 1-Day Liver & Gallbladder Cleanse
- online recordings for all live sessions.
- Cost: $149.00 (Supplies not included in price.)
- Click Here to learn how to give your body this gift!
- 3-day Fast & 1-Day Liver & Gallbladder Cleanse
- 30-Day Raw Vegan Challenge: Have you ever wondered what you would feel like if you only ate real food like nature intended? Well, I did, and it changed my life!
- Experience your 30 days with our original group!
- Learn tricks, tips, and most importantly, how to be healthy in an unhealthy world.
- The challenge runs anytime you want to start!
- Cost: $49.00 for online videos
- Accept the Challenge… Purchase Now!
- Roadmap to Health: Discover the roadmap to pain and symptom relief with Thomas Levy, MD, JD.
- Online recording of 6-hour workshop will be filled with real science and natural empowering remedies the allopathic community does NOT want you to know.
- Cost: $350.00
- Click Here to REGISTER or Learn More!
I am still excited about all last week’s class sessions… Such great inspirational people who touched my life. I hope you enjoyed them as well. If you missed listening to or watching any of last week’s lessons, there are many ways you can still learn and grow. All new classes are updated to our website on the day they air (Click Here to listen). You can watch my past classes on YouTube, Facebook, Odysee and BitChute. You can also go to Apple Podcasts, Google Podcast, Spotify, Pandora,TuneIn or iHeartRadio. search for “Lillian McDermott,” and listen to the “podclass,” at your leisure (Click Here to learn more). Let’s continue to Grow Together!
It is a new week and here is what’s happening on
The Lillian McDermott Radio Show/Classroom!
Monday, 2/3/25 Facebook Throwback Party 12:05 pm ~ With all the talk of “fake news,” do you ever wonder what is real? Unfortunately, from the moment we are in the womb our destiny is being decided not only by our parents but also by special interest groups. The food, pharmaceutical, technology, and entertainment industries spend billions to make sure we want the latest and greatest, even if the information is not accurate. As a result, it is difficult to change our habits and beliefs. Board certified internal medicine physician and coauthor of Brain Wash, Austin Perlmutter, MD, specializes in the effects of burnout and depression. He will share how TIME (Time, Intention, Mindfulness, and Enrichment) can help us detox our mind for clearer thinking, deeper relationships, and lasting happiness. (Aired 2/4/20)
Tuesday, 2/4/25 Facebook Throwback Party 12:05 pm ~ My mentor and favorite “eye poker,” Lorraine Day, M.D, has no problem sharing her years of research, even if it goes against what popular science wants us to believe. Some scientists believe in the germ theory. Other scientists believe in the terrain theory. Dr. Day has shared many times that viruses do not exist. Well, if there are no viruses, why are so many sick? Dr. Day is back to clear up the big mystery about viruses and why we love to blame them so much! (Aired 2/2/22)
Wednesday, 2/5/25 WYNAF, Telegram, YouTube, Twitter, or Facebook PREMIERE 12:05 pm ~ I never allowed my children to use the word “HATE.” I never thought I would say this, but it seems like hate has replaced common sense. A difference of perspective is breaking up friendships and families. Stories are distorted and truth has become political. Although in many ways the world has united, it stands very divided. But why? Why are our opinions taken so personally? Why would anyone stop loving or communicating with someone just because of a difference in politics, lifestyle, or religion? I will explore why this division is happening. I will share how when we choose LOVE over FEAR we can accept others for who we are and eliminate HATE.
Thursday, 2/6/25 WYNAF, Telegram, YouTube, Twitter, or Facebook PREMIERE 12:05 pm ~ Do you feel comfortable in your skin? How often do you look at yourself in the mirror and just see the wrinkles, spots, or sagging skin on your body? Is there a reason why most of us focus on how our skin is aging? Dual board-certified dermatologist and author of The Skin Whisperer, Keira Barr, MD, knows all too well what it is like to feel uncomfortable in her own skin. Dr. Barr will share how our emotions are connected to our skin’s health.
Friday, 2/7/25 Facebook Throwback Party 12:05 pm ~ When we hold on to past traumas, even when we ignore them and act as they never happened, they affect how we view others, our circumstances, and the world. If you are tired of putting yourself last, if you desire to leap out of your skin, if you are about to make a change and are fearful, perhaps we can take this leap together. Many times, we think we are selfish if we put ourselves first. Let’s change that thought… I will share the importance of valuing everything in life, especially ourselves. (Aired 2/8/24)
It is a busy week and I hope you will set your reminder to meet me on the air… Let’s listen, discuss, and all learn together!
The Lillian McDermott Radio Show/Classroom ~ When You Need a Friend…
Telegram, Facebook, YouTube, WhenYouNeedaFriend.com
Facebook, Instagram, X, Website, Odysee, BitChute, YouTube!
Amazon Podcast, Apple Podcasts, YouTube Music,, Spotify, Pandora, TuneIn, iHeartRadio!
CALL or TEXT: 407-373-5959
“You can take a pill or You can take Responsibility!” ®