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Happy Sunday!

Although some places around the world are still celebrating Christmas, my celebration has come to an end. Our Christmas decorations have come down and our home is back to normal.

I must say that I cling onto those traditions that help me remember the joy and laughter each piece holds.

Something I also realized as I carefully placed each item back into a bin, is that this action can be a metaphor for how we sometimes compartmentalize our memories, including the ones we choose not to remember.

Fortunately, we can choose how we recall each memory. By doing so, we can change how we view a particularly difficult time. As I dig deeper, I realize that we can determine how we will step into anything, including 2025.

Have you set an intention for the year?

Have you set yourself up to thrive in 2025?

Are you willing to dance when you want to hide?

Believe it or not, we have the power to embrace or resist whatever growth God has planned. Will you choose to rewrite the story of gloom to bloom?

It is time to bloom wherever you are planted and embrace 2025 with the love and curiosity of a child.

So… may I make a suggestion? It is time to DANCE!

D – Dare to Dream Bigger!

A –  Act as if everything you do will be successful!

N – Navigate obstacles with preparation like a champion!

C – Create the life you want by changing your perspective!  

E – Embrace love, life, and the Adventure!



Here are some important events and workshops in The Classroom that will help with creating positive change in your life:



Mark your calendars…

I AM the SOLUTION Natural Health Summit for Cancer & Autoimmune Dys-Ease ~ April 5, 2025!!!

in Rockledge, Florida



  • Are you or someone you know suffering from memory loss or brain fog? Would you like to overcome depression, anxiety, or attention difficulties? Are you tired of taking medication to help calm you down, but it creates other issues? Are you wanting to improve things in your life, but something is holding you back? If you can relate to one or more of these questions, then this is the Virtual Webinar for you!




  • Could a disrupted microbiome be making you sick? It is time to learn about what microbes could be missing from your gut. Join the 6-week Super Gut Course with William Davis, MD.
      • 6-week course 
      • 12 hours of invaluable and life-changing information
      • Cost: $199.00 
      • Click Here to REGISTER or Learn More!


  • Are you having a symptom that your practitioner cannot figure out? Have you given up on feeling well? When was the last time you were symptom free? Perhaps you will find the solution you are looking for. 


  • Optimal Treatment of Disease: This virtual workshop is for healthcare practitioners who want to learn practical protocols for the treatment of disease from Thomas Levy, MD, JD.
    • Learn the protocols and synergies of Vitamin C, Hydrogen Peroxide, and Hydrocortisone in the treatment of disease.
    • Learn protocols to relieve pain and other health symptoms
    • Get answers to specific health questions
    • Cost $399.00
    • Click Here to REGISTER or Learn More!
      • When you register for the Optimal Treatment of Disease course, you will also receive the links to download FIVE of Dr. Levy’s digital books!
        • Rapid Virus Recovery
        • Primal Panacea
        • Death by Calcium
        • Magnesium: Reversing Disease
        • Hidden Epidemic



  • 30-Day Raw Vegan Challenge: Have you ever wondered what you would feel like if you only ate real food like nature intended? Well, I did, and it changed my life!
    • Experience your 30 days with our original group!
    • Learn tricks, tips, and most importantly, how to be healthy in an unhealthy world.
    • The challenge runs anytime you want to start!
    • Cost: $49.00 for online videos
    • Accept the Challenge… Purchase Now!


  • Roadmap to Health: Discover the roadmap to pain and symptom relief with Thomas Levy, MD, JD.
    • Online recording of 6-hour workshop will be filled with real science and natural empowering remedies the allopathic community does NOT want you to know.
    • Cost: $350.00 
    • Click Here to REGISTER or Learn More!


I am still excited about all last week’s class sessions…  Such great inspirational people who touched my life. I hope you enjoyed them as well. If you missed listening to or watching any of last week’s lessons, there are many ways you can still learn and grow. All new classes are updated to our website on the day they air (Click Here to listen). You can watch my past classes on  YouTube, Facebook, Odysee and BitChute. You can also go to Apple Podcasts, Google PodcastSpotify, Pandora,TuneIn or iHeartRadio. search for “Lillian McDermott,” and listen to the “podclass,” at your leisure (Click Here to learn more). Let’s continue to Grow Together!



It is a new week and here is what’s happening on

The Lillian McDermott Radio Show/Classroom!



Monday, 1/13/25 Facebook Throwback Party 12:05 pm ~ We hear the experts say, “This food is good for your bones!” Then other experts say the complete opposite… Well, which is it and where can we verify this kind of information?  Udo Erasmus, PhD, unfortunately experienced pesticide poisoning and became very ill. With possible cancer and death to look forward to, he became serious about healing naturally. He used his background in science and learned a lot about health and nutrition. Udo will share which food can heal or hurt us when it comes to our bone and emotional health. (Aired 1/11/24)


Tuesday, 1/14/25 Facebook Throwback Party 12:05 pm ~ I had been sharing the benefits of frequency therapy for five years before I needed it myself—and only then, in a time of intense pain, did I truly understand its power. Have you ever stumbled upon a solution to a problem you were told could never be fixed naturally? This has happened to me more times than I can count. During an interview with John Bergman, DC, on inflammation, his assistant introduced me to FlexBeam, a device that harnesses the healing power of red light. That’s when I met Zulia Frost, MD, DCMAc, an expert in biofeedback and neuromodulation. Her integrative approach blends technology, non-invasive therapies, and natural medicine. Dr. Zulia will share her story and insights into how red-light therapy transformed her health and how it can transform our health and lives as well. (Aired 12/4/24)


Wednesday, 1/15/25 WYNAF, Telegram, YouTube, Twitter, or Facebook PREMIERE 12:05 pm ~ Board-Certified cardiologist, Thomas Levy, MD, JD, has taught us the benefits of vitamin C, hydrogen peroxide, and how toxins in the mouth can cause disease. We completed The Roadmap to Health and Optimal Treatment of Disease virtual workshops that are now available to you online. Dr. Levy has a way of bringing a new awareness to our lives, especially when other medical practitioners are leading us towards cardiac procedures. Have you been experiencing unusual palpitations and were told to have an invasive procedure? Before you opt for that procedure, it is time to get informed. Dr. Levy will share what you need to know about cardiac arrhythmia and how to resolve this condition.


Thursday, 1/16/25 WYNAF, Telegram, YouTube, Twitter, or Facebook PREMIERE 12:05 pm ~ It saddens my heart when I hear of someone getting a cancer diagnosis, especially when fear is instilled in them. Many times, these same people are not given all the options that will help them make an informed decision towards their cancer journey. I cannot imagine anyone who would like to make a life-changing decision without considering all the options available. That is why, when I learned about the work BeatCancer.org was doing, I wanted to make sure everyone else knew how this organization is making a difference. Carl Wagner, CEO of BeatCancer.org, wants us all to know that not only do they offer free holistic cancer coaching for someone in need, they offer courses that will educate those who are seeking New Truths about cancer. Carl will share how BeatCancer.org is making a difference for those who have been diagnosed with cancer, holistically.


If you are interested in becoming a Certified Holistic Cancer Coach, Click Here!


Friday, 1/17/25 Facebook Throwback Party 12:05 pm ~ Thomas Seyfried, PhD, is the author of Cancer As A Metabolic Disease.” But what does that mean? If cancer is a metabolic disease, is there anything we can do to reverse or prevent it? Has science changed? What can we do to change the way we view cancer? Dr. Seyfried will give us a small course in science. He will teach us about the origin, causes, management, and prevention of cancer along with Metabolic Therapy. (Aired 1/17/24)


It is a busy week and I hope you will set your reminder to meet me on the air…  Let’s listen, discuss, and all learn together!


The Lillian McDermott Radio Show/Classroom ~ When You Need a Friend…


Telegram, Facebook, YouTube, WhenYouNeedaFriend.com


Facebook, Instagram, X, Website, Odysee, BitChute, YouTube!


Amazon Podcast, Apple Podcasts, YouTube Music,Spotify, PandoraTuneIn, iHeartRadio!

CALL or TEXT: 407-373-5959

“You can take a pill or You can take Responsibility!” ®


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