Every Friday, starting on 3-7-2014, The Lillian McDermott Radio Show will have “Friendly Fridays!” What is “Friendly Fridays”? On “Friendly Fridays”, there will be no guest and YOU will be our “teacher”!
Let me share a story about the purpose of “Friendly Fridays…”
When I turned 29 years old, my beautiful sister made me a wonderful chicken meal. The food was absolutely delicious but there was one problem with my meal… My chicken was not fully cooked! Well, you can guess what happened next.
Once the food started to ferment, it was as if I had “road kill” in my stomach. If you have ever had food poisoning, you will identify with what I am about to state… “I would have gladly paid good money to have had my stomach pumped and I would have eagerly thanked the medical professional that pumped my stomach!” Eventually, my body purged the poison but it festered and weakened me until the poison was completely gone. During that time, I felt miserable! It was as if there was a battle going on inside of me. (I will spare you the gory details! ;-))
Why am I sharing this disgusting story? Well, because that is what happens when we don’t deal with our emotions, anger, frustrations, expectations, disappointments, grudges, judgments… etc! Just like the wonderful uncooked chicken meal, it will ferment and weaken every fiber of our body. Until we release or purge it, our mind, body & spirit will not be at peace. So, what do you want, Peace or War?
Many of us go through life not even knowing that there is fermented “road kill” within us. We are miserable but instead of identifying, dealing with and purging our poison, we instead waste our time blaming our misery on others. Yes, I could have blamed my sister for how I felt but if I take 100% responsibility… I kind of knew the chicken may have not cooked long enough. I ignored my intuition and I was the one who ate the chicken! (Yet another reason to go on a plant base diet. ;-))
Are you able to identify the “uncooked chicken” in your life? Do you currently feel like a victim or believe you are being poisoned? Is there someone in your life that can help you release your fermented poison? If not, I am here, When You Need a Friend!
If you have an issue, problem, concern, dilemma, a decision to make or anything you need help breaking through, “Friendly Fridays” is for you! Please call the station at 321-631-1300 and I will do my best to help support you!
If you rather send a private email, you can do that as well. Send your question to Lilly@WhenYouNeedaFriend.com and I will read your email on the air. (I promise to protect your identity.)
I cannot do “Friendly Fridays” by myself and need your help… So help me spread the word and keep the phone lines busy. Can I count on you?
So talk to me, listen and we will all learn together…
The Lillian McDermott Radio Show
~ Weekdays from 9 am to 10 am (except Thursdays) and Saturday, from 12 pm to 2 pm ~
On “The Talk To Me Station” AM 1300 WMEL & Worldwide on www.WhenYouNeedaFriend.com.
Listen on your Smart Phone by downloading the USTREAM app… (Found on the homepage) Once downloaded, search for WMEL. It is that easy! 😉