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Dear Friends,


I have had multiple requests to repost my Easter Sunday blog…  So here is a portion of what I wrote:




For Christians all over the world, this weekend is HOLY.  As I reflect on the Resurrection Story, I see Jesus as the Greatest Teacher!




Although His journey was more than any of us could withstand, He did not complain.  No matter what happened, He embraced His Cross and His purpose was to bring us His message of LOVE!




He was misunderstood and unappreciated yet He lived in total service.  Service to the point of death on a Cross…  But death could not stop Him, the grave could not contain Him and HE IS ALIVE!




If death could not stop or contain Him, do you think a name could describe Him?  NO, I do not think so!




It does not matter if you call Him God, Jesus, Krishna, Jehovah, Yahweh, Allah, Muhammad, Rudy, The Enlightened One, The Great I AM, Intuition, Mother Nature, Source, Energy, Universe, or Spirit;  just call HIM and listen for an answer.  (HIM = He’s In Me)







Let’s all be grateful that we have the freedom to believe whatever we choose.  The most important part is that we Accept and Embrace each other and focus on our similarities…  Let’s Love one another!




I used to say; “If you only knew who walked besides you, you would never feel afraid!”  Now I say; “Since God is in You and Me…  What can’t We do?”   That is why I believe, I can do ALL THINGS and so can YOU!  



Make it the Best Day EVER!


Much Love,



So talk to me, listen and we will all learn together…  

The Lillian McDermott Radio Show

~  Weekdays from 9 am to 10 am  ~

On “The Talk To Me Station” AM 1300 WMEL & Worldwide on www.WhenYouNeedaFriend.com.




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