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Lorraine Day, MD, The Real Story of Jesus!

My mentor and favorite “eye poker,”  Lorraine Day, M.D, has no problem sharing her years of research, even if it goes against what popular science wants us to believe. Dr. Day has also taught us about the inconsistencies in the Bible and how Christianity has been...

Lee Cowden, MD, Healthy Living, Naturally

We have been conditioned to be afraid of germs. Do you find yourself looking at people wondering if they are carriers of something that might make you sick? If this fear has settled into your heart, then listen up. Now is the time for a “Lifestyle Intervention”...

Leila Centner, Protecting Our Children

What would you do to protect your children or grandchildren? What would you do to protect someone else’s children and grandchildren? These are questions Leila Centner, co-founder of the Centner Academy asks daily. Centner Academy is a progressive independent school...