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Happy Sunday!


Last week, The Lillian McDermott Radio Show was all about “Release” and boy did we learn from great teachers!




On Monday’s “Forgiveness” show, 6 time Emmy Award winner, Shawne Duperon shared her forgiveness story and discussed her movie Project Forgive!   I was and still am so excited to create awareness…  Please check this out and become part of the movement.   I was even inspired to write a new post on Forgiveness.  (I hope you were able to get something out of that post!)




This week, I received the news that Joe Steckler’s Show, which has been at WMEL for over 20 years on Thursdays at 9 am will be moving to 1 pm.  This will allow my show to be on the air Monday through Friday.  As a result of becoming a true “weekly” show, starting in May, I will no longer be doing my Saturday show from Noon to 2 pm.  (I am so grateful to Joe and to WMEL!)




I certainly will miss doing the Saturday show because of my producer, Vince Young!  Vince, in a such short time, has improved the quality of the show.  Vince’s constant professionalism allowed me to focus on “being a host”…  We laughed together, he kept me focused, he added a great perspective to the show and he even tried all the goofy things I asked of him but most importantly, we really grew and learned together.  I will miss seeing him each week.  On the brighter side…  I will enjoy having my Saturday’s off!!!    Weekdays 9 am to 10 am, is certainly a move in the right direction!




So, a new week is upon us and here is what’s happening on The Lillian McDermott Radio Show.




Monday, 4-7-14 – 9 am to 10 am ~ Many suffer from allergies but what happens when your little girl goes into anaphylactic shock when there is dairy the room?  Well, start a 501c3!  Lisa Ficke will share what Food Allergy Resources & Mentoring (FARM) is doing to create awareness and help others along the way.  This  includes hosting an “Allergy Free” Easter Egg Hunt at Mrs. Mango & Company at Rockledge, FL on April 12th ~ 10 am to 12 pm.  Master Herbalist, Anneke Balaz will share, on the show, which natural herbs help alleviate allergies.




Tuesday, 4-8-14 – 9 am to 10 am ~ How many people have to die of cancer and terminal illnesses before we explore proven, alternative ways to Truly Heal?  Marcus Freudenmann will share proven techniques, used around the world for years but unheard of by most.  Let’s take back our health!




Wednesday, 4-9-14 – 9 am to 10 am ~ Vegetable Juicing 101!  Can you drink a pint of carrot juice in 4 seconds?  Author of Vegetable Juicing For Everyone, Helen Saul Case can! If you have been wanting to get started on juicing, Helen, will show us how to have fun while getting healthy!




Friday, 4-11-14 – 9 am to 10 am ~ “Friendly Friday!”   Call 321-631-1300 or email me at Lilly@WhenYouNeedaFriend.com and be our teacher…  Is there anything you are feeling “stuck” about?  If so, I am here to help with a different perspective!    I also want to hear what is going well in your life…  Share how you have created your success so we can all learn from you!




Saturday, 4-12-14 – 12 pm to 2 pm ~ Guess what time it is?  It’s time to get our Sexy Back!  Dr. Eudene Harry and Certified Sex Therapist Kellie Garza share how.  (Originally aired 1-11-14)




It is a busy week and I hope you will set your reminder to meet me on the air…  Let’s all listen & learn together!




So talk to me, listen and we will all learn together…   The Lillian McDermott Radio Show

~ Weekdays from 9 am to 10 am (except Thursdays) and Saturday, from 12 pm to 2 pm  ~

On “The Talk To Me Station” AM 1300 WMEL & Worldwide on www.WhenYouNeedaFriend.com.




Listen on your Smart Phone by downloading the USTREAM app…  (Found on the homepage) Once downloaded, search for WMEL.  It is that easy!  😉


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