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Happy Sunday!


Guess what I did this weekend?  I went to The Talkers Convention in Long Island, NY!  So many extraordinary talk show hosts and there I was, like a little guppy released into the ocean.  Needless to say, I have many stories and pictures to share.


I am still excited about all of last week’s shows…  Such great inspirational people who touched my life. I hope you enjoyed them as well.  If you missed listening to any of last week’s shows, there are two ways you can still listen. They are updated daily to our website (Click Here to listen) and you can go to iTunes (for iPhones) or Google Play Music (for Android phones), search for “Lillian McDermott,” and listen to the shows, commercial free, at your leisure (Click Here to learn more). Let’s continue to Grow Together!



It is a new week and here is what’s happening on

The Lillian McDermott Radio Show!



Monday, 5-23-16 – 8 am to 9 am ~  Do you find yourself being disappointed all the time?  Well maybe instead of focusing on how others have been treating you, perhaps we can look at our own unmet expectations. So glad our Spiritual Guru and funny, curious student of life, JP Sears, will help us discern our disappointments vs. our expectations.


Tuesday, 5-24-16 – 8 am to 9 am ~ Dr. Amit Sood is a professor and practices medicine at the Mayo Clinic Complementary and Integrative Medicine Program.  He came from India in 1995 believing that, in America, with all its resources, we would be healthier and happier.  When he realized his belief was wrong, he began his journey to discover how to be happy.  Dr. Sood will share the steps to becoming truly happy.



Wednesday, 5-25-16 – 8 am to 9 am ~ Have you ever asked, “Where are your manners?”  With the age of technology and busyness, proper etiquette has become lost along the way.  So, what would you do if you noticed there was spinach in your boss’s teeth?  Would you tell him or her?  Author & Etiquette Expert, Arden Clise, will teach us essential etiquette for professional success. 


Thursday, 5-26-16 – 8 am to 9 am ~ What do you do when you get tired of online dating websites that focus on exterior beauty?  You start your own! Susie Lee knew dating was more than “shopping for humans.” That is why Siren was created.  Susie will share how Siren is changing how people connect, so that personalities reveal themselves organically over time, just like in real life.


Friday, 5-27-16 – 8 am to 9 am ~ Many people believe their religion is the only way to salvation.  In fact, many wars and prejudices have occurred through the centuries because of this belief.  Each month Nora Bradbury and Julie Mickler will highlight a different religion as we discuss the beliefs of that faith with the goal of discovering our common ground. Let’s end the arguments and embrace Interfaith Relations.


It is a busy week and I hope you will set your reminder to meet me on the air…  Let’s all listen & learn together!



So talk to me, listen and we will all learn together…  

The Lillian McDermott Radio Show

~  Weekdays from 8 am to 9 am  ~

On “The Talk To Me Station” AM 1060 WMEL & Worldwide on www.WhenYouNeedaFriend.com

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Listen on your Computer or Smart Phone by going to my homepage and scroll down to “Live” stream…   It is that easy!


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