Happy Sunday!
Great News… My new account with BitChute has been approved! Please Click Here to SUBSCRIBE to my new account. BitChute is a video hosting service founded in 2017. They are committed to not censor the site’s videos even if they disagree with the creator’s position or beliefs. We do not know how long I will be able to broadcast the class on social media. Please click on the BitChute hyperlink so you have a place to view the class.
This would have been the week that Robert and I were hoping on a cruise ship to finally celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary. The way things are looking, this might not happen anytime soon.
I have been told by many, and I include myself in the “many,” “I am in a rut,” “I am watching too much TV,” “My diet has been horrible and I have put on weight,” “I am bored,” “I’m drinking too much,” “I am not exercising enough,” “I miss my friends, going to church, and socializing.” Do any of those comments resonate with you? If not, just can fill in the blank! Well, it is time to make ourselves go back to normal, even if it is a new normal.
The challenge for this coming week is to become, even if we are still in lockdown mode, the new you, the “you” that you are when at your best! What can you do in your home, yard, neighborhood, community, or state, to lift your spirits? As you create something different and new, perhaps you will discover a new passion or someone in more need than you.
We are 5 days away from the month of May… Almost mid-year! No more excuses… Let’s get moving and reclaim our best selves!
I am still excited about all last week’s shows… Such great inspirational people who touched my life. I hope you enjoyed them as well. If you missed listening to or watching any of last week’s shows, there are many ways you can still do that. All new shows are updated to our website on the day they air (Click Here to listen). You can watch my past shows on (YouTube, and on Facebook. Or you can go to Apple Podcasts, Google Play Music, Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn or iHeartRadio. search for “Lillian McDermott,” and listen to the podcasted shows, commercial free, at your leisure (Click Here to learn more). Let’s continue to Grow Together!
It is a new week and here is what’s happening on
The Lillian McDermott Radio Show/Classroom!
Monday, 4-27-20 Facebook Watch Party 5:05 pm ~ Dr. Judy Mikovits, author of “The Plague,” was a researcher for the National Cancer Institute and developed purification methods for interferon alpha. These methods helped change the paradigm for therapeutic treatment of HIV. Her career led her to discover the detrimental side effects of vaccinations. Judy has documented evidence and has been on the front line of vaccine safety issues. She is back to share more on the dangers and side effects of vaccinations. (Aired 10-25-17)
Tuesday, 4-28-20 Facebook LIVE 5:05 pm ~ Has this difficult time caused anxiety? As a result, are you on antidepressants or any mind-altering medications? Are you thinking about taking a psychotropic medication? Alice Lee, MD, ABIHM, is a holistic and integrative psychiatrist practicing in Maryland. She combines nutritional medicine (orthomolecular psychiatry), energy medicine, and other alternative therapies in the treatment of mental health conditions. She will teach us how supplements can be more effective than a pharmaceutical drug.
Wednesday, 4-29-20 Facebook LIVE 5:05 pm ~ Anna Maria and Brian Clement, co-directors of Hippocrates Health Institute, are working tirelessly to help many of their clients and patients with compromised immune systems. Because I know that the coronavirus, COVID-19, has affected all of us emotionally and financially, I asked both Anna Maria and Brian to share proven treatments for people with compromised immune systems.
Thursday, 4-30-20 Facebook LIVE 8:05 am ~ When Board Certified Heath Coach and CEO of Live Longer Medical, Lisa Guyer, is in the classroom, we always enjoy our conversations and learn so much! So now that we are in lockdown mode and possibly stressed by supporting our families, it is time to spice it up a bit. Regardless of your marital status, we are sexual beings. When was the last time you took a good look in the mirror and said, “I love my body and I like how I feel! Well, Lisa and Tina Guarino, APRN, will share how we can get our sexy back!
Friday, 5-1-20 Facebook Watch Party 8:05 am ~ Can you imagine being told that if you don’t do chemotherapy you will die? Then, while in hospice getting ready to transition, suddenly you realize, it is not your time to go. It is however your time to forgive, acknowledge a higher power, receive the nutrients your body needs, get plenty of sunlight and water, and more… Lorraine Day, M.D., lived this scenario and, 24 year later, she is back to share her journey after hospice (and cancer) and how she healed her body naturally and without toxicity. (Aired 10-30-17)
LIVE… EXTRA CLASS!!! Please join us Friday, 5/1/20, at Noon!
Judy Mikovits, PhD, author of The Plague, and Plague of Corruption has been on a 35-year quest to understand and treat chronic diseases. She has developed purification methods for interferon alpha and was a researcher for the National Cancer Institute. While creating a vaccine to eradicate cancer, she discovered a retrovirus and published the detrimental side effects of vaccinations. We are now closer to the possibility of forced vaccinations… I wonder if there were a vaccine for COVID-19, would you get vaccinated? But before you answer that question, and potentially give up your freedom of choice, I asked Dr. Mikovits to share her scientific research and story of corruption, incarceration and loss.
It is a busy week and I hope you will set your reminder to meet me on the air… Let’s all listen & learn together!
So, let’s discuss, listen and we will all learn together…
The Lillian McDermott Radio Show/Classroom ~ When You Need a Friend…
Worldwide at WhenYouNeedaFriend.com
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