Happy Easter Sunday!
Christ IS Risen… NO power of hell can prevail against Him!
I pray that you are feeling the love that surpasses all understanding. May the God of the resurrection and New Beginnings bless you and your family this day and always!
We celebrated Easter with our family yesterday, Saturday, and we loved every minute! At the last minute, Jacob got sick and they could not come. We will be visiting Brittney’s family later today.
I cannot get enough family time these days. And I wonder, if it is “family time” I most desire or is it feeling like I belong to a tribe?
One of the things I love most about the I AM the SOLUTION virtual weekend and continuing education of the soul, is that we may start as strangers, but by the time we finish the weekend, we are a loving, caring, and nonjudgmental family! It is beautiful to witness the transformations that occur during the weekend. It is also wonderful to see bonds and friendships being formed.
This world is ruled by the evil one… and it seems that the world is totally divided. But with God ALL Things Are Possible!
I know our God is an Awesome God and His love is the main driver towards becoming the solution in what we desire in our lives. Please consider joining the I AM the SOLUTION workshop on the weekend of April 21-23, 2023. REGISTER TODAY!
Here are some important events happening in The Classroom that will help with creating positive change in your life:
- Take Back Your Life, Spirit, Mind & Body: You can discover new goals, release past trauma, learn to trust God, and embrace EVERYTHING in your life because it has purpose.
- Attend the New Truths Series: I AM the SOLUTION virtual weekend workshop & Continuing Education for the Soul, April 21-23, 2023.
- Click Here to learn more and register…
- Cost: $299.00 (Early Registration $250.00 until 3/31/23)
- Space is limited, REGISTER NOW!
- Could a disrupted microbiome be making you sick? It is time to learn about what microbes could be missing from your gut. Join the 6-week Super Gut Course with William Davis, MD.
- August 1, through September 5, 2023
- Meet: Tuesdays from 7 pm to 9 pm ET (All sessions will be recorded and can be viewed anytime.)
- Cost: $199.00 ($149.00 Early Registration Ends June 30th)
- Click Here to REGISTER or Learn More!
- Get closer to God and learn the gifts & lessons from our ancestors that are so relevant to us today in these times.
- Click Here to purchase the online digital version of the New Truths Series: 100+ Lessons from the Exodus Bible Study with Dr. Lorraine Day.
- Or you can ORDER the DVD version of this EPIC course! Click Here to order your DVD set now!
- Learn what the Bible says about the end of times.
- Purchase the online digital version of the New Truths Series: Book of Revelation with Dr. Lorraine Day.
- Or you can ORDER the DVD version of the Book of Revelation Bible Study! Click Here to order your DVD set now!
- Are you having a symptom that your practitioner cannot figure out? Have you given up on feeling well? When was the last time you were symptom free? Perhaps you will find the solution you are looking for.
- M3 Detox Experience – Mold Metals Microbes
- From Treatment To Recovery, With Support
- Co-Hosted with Lee Cowden, MD
- Learn from Thomas Levy, MD, JD, Jennifer Gramith ND, Doug Kau, how to Take Our Health Back!
- Cost: *$299.00 REGISTER NOW!
- Liver and Gallbladder fast/cleanse: Learn the function of the liver and gallbladder with Jennifer Gramith, ND, CLT of Rightway Health and Wellness.
- 3-day Fast & 1-Day Liver & Gallbladder Cleanse
- online recordings for all live sessions.
- Cost: $149.00 (Supplies not included in price.)
- Click Here to learn how to give your body this gift!
- 3-day Fast & 1-Day Liver & Gallbladder Cleanse
- 30-Day Raw Vegan Challenge: Have you ever wondered what you would feel like if you only ate real food like nature intended? Well, I did, and it changed my life!
- Experience your 30 days with our original group!
- Learn tricks, tips, and most importantly, how to be healthy in an unhealthy world.
- The challenge runs anytime you want to start!
- Cost: $49.00 for online videos
- Accept the Challenge… Purchase Now!
- Roadmap to Health: Discover the roadmap to pain and symptom relief with Thomas Levy, MD, JD.
- Online recording of 6-hour workshop will be filled with real science and natural empowering remedies the allopathic community does NOT want you to know.
- Cost: $350.00
- Click Here to learn more and register!
I am still excited about all last week’s class sessions… Such great inspirational people who touched my life. I hope you enjoyed them as well. If you missed listening to or watching any of last week’s lessons, there are many ways you can still learn and grow. All new classes are updated to our website on the day they air (Click Here to listen). You can watch my past classes on YouTube, Facebook, Odysee and BitChute. You can also go to Apple Podcasts, Google Podcast, Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn or iHeartRadio. search for “Lillian McDermott,” and listen to the “podclass,” at your leisure (Click Here to learn more). Let’s continue to Grow Together!
It is a new week and here is what’s happening on
The Lillian McDermott Radio Show/Classroom!
Monday, 4/10/23 Facebook Watch Party 12:05 pm ~ There are times when we use words like “fighting,” “working hard,” or “struggling,” to describe our lives. But these words can cause our body to break down. Perhaps it is appropriate to work towards creating and achieving the life we want. How can we just embrace what is? I will share how we can improve on what is going wrong by focusing on what we want. (Aired 11-16-18)
Tuesday, 4/11/23 WYNAF, Telegram, YouTube or Facebook PREMIERE 12:05 pm ~ Recently, someone I trusted made choices that were impulsive, unprofessional, and vindictive. I would hate to think they purposely chose to cause harm in my life, but based on their actions, it certainly looks like it. These actions have caused me to seek God’s wisdom and He has brought me peace in every turn. Everything has a season and, during the spring, pruning is important. There are times that we are pruned as well. I certainly feel like I have been pruned. Has someone you love or trusted carelessly hurt you? I will share some of the lessons learned during this time, most importantly, how God will turn all harm to good.
Wednesday, 4/12/23 WYNAF, Telegram, YouTube or Facebook LIVE 12:05 pm ~ It is difficult to think that slavery is still happening during these times. But there is another side to life that we do not or cannot look at. The president and founder of Life Recaptured, Brandy Crisafulli, has been a champion for victims of abuse, neglect, and those in physical and emotional pain, for over 20 years. Life Recaptured is a ministry that provides housing and training for women and their children who have been affected by human trafficking. Brandy will teach us how to recognize the signs of abuse and share how together, we can create a safe home of refuge for survivors of human trafficking. Also, Brooke Pearson will join us to share her journey out of darkness, into light and hope.
Thursday, 4/13/23 WYNAF, Telegram, YouTube or Facebook LIVE 12:05 pm ~ As each generation passes the baton to the next, it seems like certain talents, trades, and traditions are being ignored. Some missed skills were considered “everyday courtesy” or proper etiquette in my parent’s generation. Jackie Vernon-Thompson is teaching proper etiquette from the inside out to our children and grandchildren. But, most importantly, she is keeping our next generation from being embarrassed at social events. Jackie will share why we should keep these valuable protocols alive in our society today.
Friday, 4/14/23 Facebook Watch Party 12:05 pm ~ Have you ever heard of the word bushcraft? Bushcraft is the use and practice of skills to survive and thrive in a natural environment where we acquire and develop knowledge and understanding. Paul Kirtley started learning these skills as a hobby but then found his passion. He has been a full-time professional outdoor skills instructor since 2005 and now teaches thousands around the world. Paul will teach us how to love the outdoors, be safe, and thrive in nature. (Aired 4/13/22)
It is a busy week and I hope you will set your reminder to meet me on the air… Let’s listen, discuss, and all learn together!
The Lillian McDermott Radio Show/Classroom ~ When You Need a Friend…
LIVE on: Telegram, Facebook, YouTube &
Worldwide at WhenYouNeedaFriend.com
LIKE & Follow Me: Facebook, Instagram, & Twitter
Subscribe: Website, Odysee, BitChute & YouTube!
On Demand: Apple Podcasts, Google Podcast, Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn or iHeartRadio!