Happy Sunday!
Can you believe it… It is mid-January already?! How are you doing with your New Year’s Awareness? Are you staying committed? This week is designed to assist us in transforming our lives.
What most of this week’s guests have in common is that we can meet them, in person, at The Vikasa Expo on January 24th & 25th! Best of all, if you mention The Lillian McDermott Radio Show, you can get in for free, a savings of $12 each day! Everyone who goes to the Vikasa Expo will get a chance to win a vacation getaway. If you already have tickets and you mention the radio show, you will get an extra chance at winning their vacation giveaway! The Vikasa Expo is all about health, nutrition and personal growth. There will be lots to learn, to do and you will get many gifts… Wow, what a way to start 2015! So mark your calendars
We are continuing to improve and grow on the show. Soon you will be receiving instructions on how to subscribe to the show’s podcast, so that you can automatically download and listen to it at your convenience… For now, if you missed listening to any of last week’s shows, they are updated daily… Click Here to listen and let’s continue to Grow Together!
It is a new week and here is what’s happening on
The Lillian McDermott Radio Show!
Monday, 1-12-15 – 9 am to 10 am ~ Dr. Jason Littleton has been on The Dr. Oz Show and now… on The Lillian McDermott Radio Show! He will join us to discuss “How to Live an Integrated and Energetic Life!” Living healthy is really a desire we all share but for some, it may be at times out of reach. If you feel like you are on a “Hamster Wheel” and just don’t know how to get off, Dr. Littleton will share a simple plan to get energized! I will be taking lots of notes! 😉
Tuesday, 1-13-15 – 9 am to 10 am ~ Hormonal imbalances are plaguing a large number of women, resulting in PMS, acne, infertility, PCOS, fibromyalgia, fibroids, cysts and so much more. The truth is, our authentic self-expression as women is closely tied with the uniqueness of our hormonal system. Puja Madan, a graduate of the world renowned Institute of Integrative Nutrition, will teach us how stress affects our hormones and introduce us to the foods that can heal and harmonize imbalances in the body and mind. Puja also has a gift for all my Listening Friends!
Wednesday, 1-14-15 – 9 am to 10 am ~ Have you ever looked at a picture or painting and felt transformed, inspired or energized? For my guest, award winning author and artist, Barbara Evans, all of her paintings inspire wellbeing! Barbara will teach us how to use sensory tools such as art, sound and crystals to Raise Frequency and Consciousness. By learning this technique, we can experience greater Clarity and Insight and a Deep Connection with our True Self!
Thursday, 1-15-15 – 9 am to 10 am ~ It is “Thankful Thursday” with the executive director of A Network For Grateful Living, Kristi Nelson! As always she will help us reconnect with gratefulness. This time, we will explore the connection between forgiveness and gratefulness. Just in time for “Forgiveness week” in our 90 Day Challenge to Self Love!
Friday, 1-16-15 – 9 am to 10 am ~ I recently visited Dr. Robert Kent, DO of the The Kent Clinic, and was so impressed, I could not wait to get him on the show! His focus is on Regenerative Medicine & Stem Cell Therapy but he does much more. Have you heard of PRP, Prolotherapy, Stem Cells, Amniofix, and the use of Cold Laser as an adjunct therapy? Well, Dr. Kent will teach us the benefits of regenerative procedures that are available, how they work and how they are used to allow the body to heal itself.
It is a busy week and I hope you will set your reminder to meet me on the air… Let’s all listen & learn together!
So talk to me, listen and we will all learn together…
The Lillian McDermott Radio Show
~ Weekdays from 9 am to 10 am ~
On “The Talk To Me Station” AM 1300 WMEL & Worldwide on www.WhenYouNeedaFriend.com.
Listen on your Smart Phone by going to my homepage and scroll down to “live stream”! It is that easy! 😉