If you liked listening to Dr. Andrew Saul last week, you will love learning more from him today!
When I first learned that I was going to be interviewing Dr. Andrew Saul, I thought he would give me 15 minutes of his time but I was wrong. He actually was a friendly, very funny, humble and knowledgeable man.
As our second hour ended, I said to Dr. Saul; “There are so many more questions I have that we didn’t even talk about; especially on juicing…” Without skipping a beat Dr. Saul said; “Sure, we can talk about juicing!” (So, I need to add “generous” to my list, when I describe him, as well 😉 ). Today’s one hour show is all about juicing and its benefits!
If you want to learn about juicing or even if you ever contemplated doing it, you will love the show! It is time to take our health back and who else to teach us than world renowned Orthomolecular Specialist Dr. Andrew Saul!
So talk to me, listen and we’ll all learn together… The Lillian McDermott Radio Show ~ This Saturday, from 12 pm to 1 pm ~ On the “Talk To Me Station” AM 1300 WMEL or worldwide on www.WhenYouNeedaFriend.com