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Do you believe there should be more to this life?
Are you bothered about not living up to your potential?
Are there obstacles blocking you from living the life of your dreams? In your career? Relationships? Finances? And more?
Then this workshop is for you!
In this workshop, we will discover, release, trust, and Embrace.
You will leave feeling empowered with a SOLUTION to begin living the life of your dreams and realize your potential.

Please watch this important video first.

Please watch this important video second.

Workshop Details:
Friday, November 13: 6 pm to 9 pm
Saturday, November 14: 12pm to 3 pm
Sunday, November 15: 12pm to 6 pm
(All times are Eastern Time)

This workshop will be conducted virtually on Zoom
Early registration 10/29 – 11/05: $145/person
Beginning 11/06: $180/person

Click logo to download Zoom.

If you are interested in or have questions about our I AM the SOLUTION workshop, please contact us with the form below.

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