A Journey To: Awareness, Acceptance, and Agape Love!
The Second 30 Days: Acceptance
Days 52 – 60
Congratulations on making it through the 3rd week of the second 30 days… How did you do? Do you have any questions, comments or suggestions? If you do, feel free to send them to Lilly@WhenYouNeedaFriend.com.
Welcome to the next eight days! Time is going too fast and it is time to slow down and do some Cognitive Restructuring… Let’s embrace all that is good in our life! Because it is The Best Life EVER!
There was a time in my life that I lived with my limitations. I was so busy raising my children, being a good wife, daughter, friend, and employee that I didn’t have time to count my blessings. I knew I had many and knew I was grateful but taking the time to focus on what I love about my life was not as important as what was wrong or what I wanted to make better! It is time to truly look at the things that are working in our life that is good.
Day 52: Make a list of all the “nouns” (people, places, things, circumstances) you like about your life.
Write your thoughts, feelings and emotions in your journal.
Day 53-58: Dedicate time each day during these six days to become more aware of the things you like about your life and be grateful. They are all gifts, so be aware and be present! Understand that all things, both good and bad, come and go. While these good things may not be permanent, so too are the things that don’t go as planned, they too are not permanent. Now, let’s focus on the present as it is important to accept our current reality as a gift.
Write about your experience and feelings about yourself in your journal and also:
Journal on your RAK!
Remember, BG!
Day 59-60: Review! There might be an exercise or two from a previous day in which you may require extra work or attention. Take these two days to reflect on what you have learned; celebrate your accomplishments and successes!
Write about your experience and feelings about yourself in your journal and also:
Journal on your RAK!
Remember, BG!
Please note: If at any time you need help processing or have any questions, email me at Lilly@WhenYouNeedaFriend.com or Dr. Dave at David@DrDavidBakerHargrove.com
If you like, each day, share/post your feelings and/or pictures on one of the following:
- Instagram: Lillian_McDermott_Radio_Show
- Twitter: LillianMcD
- www.facebook.com/LilliansRadioShow
- Email me at Lilly@WhenYouNeedaFriend.com
You can do this… I believe in you!!!
So Talk To Me, Listen And We Will All Learn Together…
The Lillian McDermott Radio Show
~ Weekdays from 9 am to 10 am ~
Worldwide at www.WhenYouNeedaFriend.com
Listen on your smart phone by going to my homepage and scroll down to “live stream”… It is that easy! 😉