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 Our 90 Day Journey to


(Days 26 – 30)



DAY 26 – 30:  Make a list of all the hurts and resentments you are holding onto from the past or present. Write each hurt on a separate page in your journal.



Each day pick one hurt or resentment and answer the questions on my 100% Responsibility page (You might even want to listen to the audio on that same page).



Take the time to reflect on your answers for each entry and start taking 100% Responsibility!   Remember this is not to find shame or blame but to look at the situation as if it were someone else’s life.  Make no judgments and have no expectations but when you are done, look at how each one of these experiences have made you who you are today.  You may not be able to change what happened in the past but you can certainly change the way you view the situation or feeling. This step might even diminish the power the memory has over you.



The past cannot be changed. If we continue to live in the past, we will miss out on the present moment.  Living life as a victim will take away our power but taking 100% Responsibility will Empower us to start the healing process.


Make a commitment to yourself that by Day 90 of this challenge you are finally, once and for all, letting go.  That you are no longer haunted or controlled by your past, no matter what has happened to you, no matter who has hurt you or how resentful or bitter you might have felt.



Look at the costs of holding on to an experience that cannot be changed and start remembering this experience as a way to help yourself and others, going forward.


This is not time to forgive and forget…  Rather, it is time to Forgive and Grow!


Enjoy this time of Thanksgiving and let’s be grateful for all of our experiences in life; even the painful ones !


May you be Blessed this Day and Always…

Make it the Best Thanksgiving EVER!

 The next 30 days of the challenge will be posted soon!



So talk to me, listen and we will all learn together…  

The Lillian McDermott Radio Show

~  Weekdays from 9 am to 10 am  ~

On “The Talk To Me Station” AM 1300 WMEL & Worldwide on www.WhenYouNeedaFriend.com.

Listen on your Smart Phone by going to my homepage and scroll down to “live stream”!  It is that easy!  😉

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