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Do certain simple situations, people, places, or things bother you more than you think is normal. Even when you are not paying attention, a word, a sound, or a song, can evoke anger, frustration, short temperedness, and can make you confused or sad. Consciously, there is no real reason why this reaction is felt. Could there be something underneath driving your emotions? Do you ever wonder why you feel the way you do? Could there be something trapped inside that you do not remember? Recall Healing and Mindbody medicine expert Michelle LaMasa-Dawson, PhD, knows how trapped emotions can change our lives, even when these memories are suppressed. Dr. Michelle will share how we can find freedom by discovering forgotten wounds.

Now you can listen commercial free at your leisure…Click here and let’s grow together:

Michelle LaMasa Dawson, PhD, Finding Freedom in Forgotten Wounds

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