Happy Sunday!
My husband Robert and I just celebrated our 21st wedding anniversary and we are currently taking the weekend off to have fun and relax. I know I have promised this before but today, I will be brief.
As I reflect on how fast 21 years have flown by and how many times we have had to adjust and redefine our definition of what unconditional love is all about, I am grateful to have found my soulmate who continues to grow with me.
I want to encourage you to fall in love with your partner all over again! Take an active approach to love by remembering, reflecting, forgiving, embracing and perhaps doing something you use to do a long time ago, that would bring joy to your partner. Do something they do not expect you to do… Write them a love note… Take a moment to dance to “your song”… Make them their favorite beverage… Tell them how much they mean to you while you look deeply into their eyes. Allow yourself to feel the love you want to have!
Oh, and one more thing… I want to share my latest Florida Today article… Please share it with your friends and leave a comment on the Florida Today webpage.
If you missed listening to any of last week’s shows, they are now updated daily… Click Here to listen and let’s continue to Grow Together!
It is a new week and here is what’s happening on
The Lillian McDermott Radio Show!
Monday, 7-13-15 – 9 am to 10 am ~ Since 1983, Dr. Robert Rowan has been treating patients with Oxidative Therapies. He continues to be amazed how miraculous these treatments are; but many don’t even know about them. Dr. Rowan will share how Ozone can reverse and heal many illnesses, including Ebola.
Tuesday, 7-14-15 – 9 am to 10 am ~ It’s the 2nd Tuesday of the month and this can only mean that Dr. David Baker Hargrove is back to share his wisdom… Do you find that your partner often misunderstands what you are saying? Do you find yourself misunderstanding what your partner is telling you? We have two ears and one mouth and Dr. Dave will teach us how to communicate more effectively with our partner!
Wednesday, 7-15-15 – 9 am to 10 am ~ Scott Kingsbury, has been a licensed massage therapist for the last 15 years. He is certified in reflex zone therapy (reflexology), orthopedic therapy, bio-craniopathy and he takes a multi-disciplinary approach to aligning the body. He will tell us all about Orthoflexology.
Thursday, 7-16-15 – 9 am to 10 am ~ I love “Thankful Thursday’s” and Kristi Nelson, the director for “A Network For Grateful Living” is back! This time we will discuss the art of listening. Learning how to listen is key to strong, intimate relationships but how do we learn to listen with a grateful heart? (Let’s listen and learn together 😉 )
Friday, 7-17-15 – 9 am to 10 am ~ I stumbled upon a YouTube video a while ago… Click Here to view it. I was so touched by this video that I invited the founder of Life Vest Inside, Orly Wahba, to be on my show. I quickly discovered what an amazing woman she is and now, Orly will join us monthly to share her mission of empowerment and kindness. We will discuss how to be kind, even when we don’t feel like it!
It is a busy week and I hope you will set your reminder to meet me on the air… Let’s all listen & learn together!
So talk to me, listen and we will all learn together…
The Lillian McDermott Radio Show
~ Weekdays from 9 am to 10 am ~
On “The Talk To Me Station” AM 1300 WMEL & Worldwide on www.WhenYouNeedaFriend.com
Follow Me on Instagram: Lillian_McDermott and Twitter: LillianMcD
Listen on your Smart Phone by going to my homepage and scroll down to “live stream”! It is that easy! 😉