There is a song by Amy Grant that I have sung at church on Father’s Day weekend. The song is called Father’s Eyes and it has more than one meaning to me.
I remember hearing the song for the first time while tears filled my eyes. In fact, I had to practice the song a lot before I was able to sing it without getting too emotional. (Crying and singing don’t work well together. Well, at least not with me. 😉 )
The lyrics for the chorus are:
“She’s got her father’s eyes, her father’s eyes… Eyes that find the good in things when good is not around. Eyes that find the source of help when help just can’t be found. Eyes full of compassion, seeing every pain, knowing what you’re going throughand feeling it the same, just like her father’s eyes.”
So what is a FATHER? Here is how I answer that question.
F – First to come to the rescue whenever anything needs correcting, fixing or mending.
A – A little girl’s first love.
T – Thoughtful provider who does whatever it takes for his family, friends and co-workers.
H – Helping hands to build, grill, straighten, transport and add humor.
E – Example to every young boy who will become a man and later, a father.
R – Responsible, Resourceful, Respectful and Relaxing.
S – Sacred and Holy, honor given by our Creator.
When I think of my Father, I am grateful beyond words and a smile comes to my face. My Daddy is all of the above and more! Even when I was unhappy with his delivery or decisions, deep down inside I knew he loved me and he wanted the best for me. He is now 83 and much of who I am comes from him. There were some behaviors that I adopted in my life and other behaviors, not so much, but good or bad, he taught me who I wanted to become!
Fathers are not always on this earth to provide, protect, guide and love… I once read that when a father abandons a child, it leaves a hole in their soul.
I understand, not all fathers are created equal! If this describes your current reality, then know how truly sorry I am for your pain but here is what I know… Your DNA was perfectly selected and YOU were perfectly created! Your creator wanted you to be born and He allowed everything for you to be conceived. If nothing else, be grateful that your father gave you life! Look beyond earthly things and look up to your Heavenly Father who loves you. He is perfect and can fill that hole. He will never abandon us!
As I observe family and friends with their children, I realize how lucky I am to be surrounded with such wonderful fathers. But in my immediate family I have been truly blessed to witness what a fathers love truly looks like… I am most grateful for Robert, Tom, Mel, Eric and the greatest of them all, my Daddy, Joe Medina! Thank YOU for being such great examples!!!
Fathers have many stresses and are often misunderstood… But when it comes down to it not only are we born with our Earthly Father’s Eyes, we should also strive to view ourself and others through our Heavenly Father’s Eyes!
What are the qualities YOU are most grateful for in YOUR father?
Happy Father’s Day!
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