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You will want to set your reminders to listen to The Lillian McDermott Radio Show today, Saturday 10-26-13 from 12 pm to 2 pm.

No Excuses… You can listen on your computer at  right on my site at WhenYouNeedaFriend.com or on your smart phones (Download the USTREAM app and search WMEL…  that app is on my home page.)

This is a show you will want to hear! Dr. Andrew Saul’s message will change your life… He has helped me see how we can improve our health without pharmaceuticals that could have horrendous side effects; including death!

It is simple and inexpensive to start taking responsibility on our health… We can’t afford not to!

To learn more about Dr. Saul, go to www.DoctorYourself.com or “LIKE” him on www.facebook.com/pages/Andrew-W-Saul/121074941432371

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