by Lilly McDermott | Nov 27, 2013 | Gratitude, Mind, Body & Spirit, Responsibility, Uncategorized
Would you like a free beauty tip? If so, read on… If not, skip to the second to last paragraph. 😉 Since you are reading this, you must want to learn my free beauty tip! So here it goes… If you want to look sexy and beautiful to yourself and others, then...
by Lilly McDermott | Nov 22, 2013 | Gratitude, Social & Human Interest, Uncategorized
I was invited to experience what it is like to go on a Space Coast Honor Flight. Space Coast Honor Flight takes veterans to Washington DC, free of charge, to visit their war memorials. The flight was on Saturday, September 28, 2013 and what an experience it was!!!...
by Lilly McDermott | Oct 30, 2013 | Gratitude, Healing, Love, Personal Growth
Twelve years ago, we brought home a 3 ½ lb ball of fluff who we named Five Pound Maximus, “Max”. In fact, he was our Christmas gift for our children; Matthew, Ashley, Brittney & Blake. Max was so small that the bow we put on his collar was bigger than his body. I...
by Lilly McDermott | Oct 25, 2013 | Gratitude, Uncategorized
Yesterday, while driving to a client’s office on busy US 1, my car decided to break down while waiting at a red light. It was almost as if the gas stopped communicating with the engine. After multiple attempts to restart the car before the light turned green,...