A Journey To: Awareness, Acceptance, and Agape Love!
The Second 30 Days: Acceptance
Congratulations on making it through the first 30 days… The goal of the last 30 days was to remember or become aware of where you came from so that you could reconnect with who you are. Regardless of how that connection was made, I hope you enjoyed acknowledging the people who have made a difference in your life. (Even if you have a perfect amount of self-love, I am confident that you will see that we can always improve on how gentle we are on our self.) Now it is time to really take a look at ourselves without judgment but with compassion, and accept ourselves unconditionally.
As you are working through each day’s activity, plan on doing a Random Act of Kindness (RAK). At the end of your day, journal on your RAK and answer the following:
- Describe your RAK and how it affected the recipient.
- Describe how it made you feel.
As we progress through the next 30 days, please keep in mind that doing daily Random Acts of Kindness will only improve the outcome you desire. Click Here to find suggestions on Random Act of Kindness.
Welcome to the Second 30 Days – Acceptance!
(Days 30 -37)
It is important to remember throughout this entire challenge that everyone’s “90 days” will move at a different pace. If you need extra time to adequately complete this month’s exercises, that is OK! It is most important to do the work, rather than just complete it in a specific time period.
Also, please Be Gentle (BG) with yourself… Whenever you are ready, during this journey, give yourself permission to do something kind for YOU! As a suggestion, try to start and end your day by taking 5 minutes to slowly breathe, just breathe deeply! Become aware of your breath and visualize breathing goodness into your body and releasing any negative energy, when breathing out! Click Here for other suggestions on being gentle to yourself.
Day 1: (31) Make a list of everything you reject about yourself and/or that which is the focus of your negative self-talk. Become aware that the items on this list do not support you. Now it is time to SHIFT… next to each item write what you want to be.
- Tired – Alive
- Fearful – Fearless
- Depressed – Optimistic
- Anxious – Excited
Every time you say any word on the left of your list, substitute the word with the right side of your list.
Journal on your RAK!
Remember, BG!
Day 2: (32) Make a list of all the things you like about yourself and others, any attribute you have or wished you had. After the list is done, write; “I am” on the top of the list.
Select 3 or 4 of the attributes on this list that perhaps you need more help remembering that you are and let this become your Mantra or Affirmations!
I have two affirmations that I use every day, as many times as I need a reminder:
- I am a Creative, Loving, Intuitive and Trusting Leader. (Instead of leader, you can add; person, man, woman, etc.)
- I am Healthy, I am Wealthy, I am Wise, I am Love….
Journal on your RAK!
Remember, BG!
Day 3 – 7: (33-37) Take time during each of these five days to read both of your lists and focus on the items on those lists. Go to the mirror, look yourself in the eye, and read each item starting with “I like myself for/because ________” or “I am_________.” Practice identifying how the attributes on your list appear in your daily life. For instance, if you like your eyes, be aware of how often you make eye contact, while smiling with your eyes. If you like your sense of humor, be aware of how often each day you make people laugh.
Journal on your RAK!
Remember, BG!
I am so proud of YOU… You kept your commitment another week!!! I hope you are feeling more connected with yourself and are looking forward to committing to another week.
I would love to hear your feedback regarding Days 30 – 37 of the challenge… I will post days 37 to 44, by each Sunday!
Please note: If at any time you need help processing or have any questions, email me at Lilly@WhenYouNeedaFriend.com or Dr. Dave at David@DrDavidBakerHargrove.com
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