Happy Sunday!
Since yesterday, I have had my parents with me… What an honor to love them!
They say that our first image of God comes from our relationship with our father.
I am grateful to still be able to celebrate this Father’s Day with my dad and although we could not celebrate Mother’s Day with my mom because of the virus, we are more than making up for lost time. Joy, just joy and gratitude, sprinkled with a lot of work.
Two weeks ago, we savored our time with Jacob… Last weekend, I attended the Keep Me Safe Organics 3-day virtual conference. I was Sunday’s keynote speaker and my 3-hour experiential talk was a great success… Thank you for your prayers! This weekend has been all about serving and loving on my parents, my husband, and our family.
Any man can help create a baby but it takes a father to raise a child and see them become a loving, caring human being.
I pray that you will experience this day with gratitude. Gratitude for the man who taught you how to be or how not to be… Either way, celebrate the gift of your father and all the fathers in your life, related or unrelated.
Let’s give thanks for all the wonderful fathers past, present, and future!
Happy Father’s Day!
I am still excited about all last week’s shows… Such great inspirational people who touched my life. I hope you enjoyed them as well. If you missed listening to or watching any of last week’s lessons, there are many ways you can still learn and grow. All new classes are updated to our website on the day they air (Click Here to listen). You can watch my past classes on (YouTube, Facebook and BitChute. You can also go to Apple Podcasts, Google Play Music, Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn or iHeartRadio. search for “Lillian McDermott,” and listen to the “podclass,” at your leisure (Click Here to learn more). Let’s continue to Grow Together!
It is a new week and here is what’s happening on
The Lillian McDermott Radio Show/Classroom!
Monday, 6-22-20 Facebook Watch Party 5:05 pm ~ There are so many things in our lives that are obvious but go unnoticed until someone or something brings them to our attention. As an example, until we receive a complement, we are unaware that we have a nice pair of shoes, a beautiful family, or a reliable car. Author Paul Jenkins, PhD, will share how we can achieve a higher level of awareness and achieve Pathological Positivity. (Aired 6-24-19)
Tuesday, 6-23-20 Facebook LIVE 5:05 pm ~ I was looking for a whole food plant based medical practitioner in Jacksonville, FL. Well, to my surprise, I not only found one, but he is a non-operative orthopedic medical doctor! Stephan Esser, MD, is so passionate about nutrition that he goes out of his way to educate his patients about optimum health. Does food affect our bones? Dr. Esser will join us to share why our food is medicine!
Wednesday, 6-24-20 Facebook LIVE 5:05 pm~ Time flies when we are having fun and eating a nutritarian lifestyle. For the last 4 weeks, the Healthy Eating And Living (HEAL) tribe members have recommitted to eating 100% nutritarian. What an incredible experience with some old and new friends! We were even surprised by an special appearance from world renowned, New York Times bestselling author, Joel Fuhrman, MD, himself! Dr. Fuhrman is back to share his wisdom on emotional eating! Are you an emotional eater? Then, it is time to learn how to work through your emotions.
Thursday, 6-25-20 Facebook LIVE 8:05 am ~ Last weekend I had the privilege of attending the Keep Me Safe Organics virtual 3 day conference and family reunion. Sunday, I gave a 3-hour talk with the beautiful sisters who attended the event. When the event was over, Rebecca Black & Kelli Bono, co-founders of Keep Me Safe Organics, called me and were so excited that they immediately picked their topic for this day. Rebecca, Kelli, and I will discuss the importance of shifting in our career and personal lives.
To get 10% off your purchase, go to Keep Me Safe Organics, enter code “Lilly10” and SAVE!
Friday, 6-26-20 Facebook Watch Party 8:05 am ~ Do you find yourself looking at what could go wrong or the worst case scenario? Many times, we want to stay positive but everywhere we turn, we hear what is bad in our world. Media outlets seem to publish by, “If it bleeds, it leads!” If you are looking for ways to stay positive, then it is time to create a plan that will help you focus on what is right, in every situation. (Aired 6-27-19)
It is a busy week and I hope you will set your reminder to meet me on the air… Let’s all listen & learn together!
So, let’s discuss, listen and we will all learn together…
The Lillian McDermott Radio Show/Classroom ~ When You Need a Friend…
Worldwide at WhenYouNeedaFriend.com
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