Happy Sunday!
This last week I moved from our beautiful home of 8 years into our smaller condo in Orlando. Our son, Blake, is now on his own and for the first time, we are truly Empty Nesters!!!
I have experienced almost every emotion a person can have in such a short period of time and I am grateful for each emotion as it gives me different opportunities to grow. I truly believe this new journey will bless all of us and I look forward, with excitement, to the future.
So, I did something I have never done… I organized a garage sale! What an experience!!! I could not believe how much accumulation of “things” (and dust) I had achieved. To see all these valuable treasures become someone else’s treasures was surreal. However, with each person who bought an item or went through our things they received a quiet blessing from me and I too felt blessed. How wonderful to view all these “valuable treasures” without attachment!
I am so grateful to Robert, Blake, Judee, Garrett, Siobhan, Ashley, Bailey, Jonathan, Tess and Donna, who helped with the garage sale. Words could never fully describe my gratitude during this time. I am sure there will be a blog about this experience in the future but for now, I need to focus on this week’s shows!
As usual, all of last week’s shows are updated… Click Here and let’s continue to Grow Together!
It is a new week and here is what’s happening on The Lillian McDermott Radio Show.
Monday, 8-18-14 – 9 am to 10 am ~ We just experienced the earthly loss of one of the most talented comedians of our time… Do I even need to say his name? Robin Williams suffered from depression but so do an estimated 1 in 10 adults in the United States. Psychotropic drugs have side effects that can cause suicidal thoughts and many sufferers end up terminating their precious lives. Dr. Alice Lee, MD will be my guest. She is a natural and holistic psychiatrist who uses nutrition, vitamin supplementation and meditation to help heal. This kind of treatment has no side effect!
Tuesday, 8-19-14 – 9 am to 10 am ~ Is your job taking care of loved ones? Day in, day out workers struggle to function in care-giving environments that constantly present heart wrenching emotional challenges. These challenges can lead to fatigue. Are you feeling guilty because you are feeling stressed? You are not alone! Sue Kiley LMHC of the Women’s Center is back and this time we will talk about “Compassion Fatigue.”
Wednesday, 8-20-14 – 9 am to 10 am ~ It’s the 3rd Wednesday of the month… Guess who is back? It’s Dr. Eudene Harry, MD, of course!!! Have you been diagnosed with diabetes or been told you will get it if you keep doing what you are doing? Well, I hope you listen up… Dr. Harry will share how to manage your diabetes in a Holistic way.
Thursday, 8-21-14 – 9 am to 10 am ~ It is “Thankful Thursday” with the executive director of A Network For Grateful Living, Kristi Nelson! Yes, Kristi will be with us every 3rd Thursday of the month to empower us with a new reason to be Thankful. I cannot wait for her to motivate us to live a life full of Gratitude!
Friday, 8-22-14 – 9 am to 10 am ~ It is “Friendly Friday!” What does Friendly Friday mean? This is where YOU call in during the show and share what is on your Mind, Heart or Spirit! If you have a problem, dilemma or concern that you need help getting through, then Friendly Friday’s is for You! I am a Certified Life Coach and I would love the opportunity to help… So, CALL 321-631-1300 or you can email me at LILLY@WHENYOUNEEDAFRIEND.COM and I will read your comment on the air! By the way, you can share some “Good News” too! J
It is a busy week and I hope you will set your reminder to meet me on the air… Let’s all listen & learn together!
So talk to me, listen and we will all learn together…
The Lillian McDermott Radio Show
~ Weekdays from 9 am to 10 am ~
On “The Talk To Me Station” AM 1300 WMEL & Worldwide on www.WhenYouNeedaFriend.com.
Listen on your Smart Phone by going to my homepage and scroll down to “live stream”! It is that easy! 😉