Happy Sunday!
I am stunned… May has come and is almost gone. This year is moving right along. Want to stop time? Then we need to figure out how to be in the moment. Well, at least that is what I need to do. I notice a feeling of anxiety whenever I think a few months down the road. When I am thinking of now or I am in the middle of something that takes my full attention, I can truly enjoy whatever I am doing. I want to embrace the moment and enjoy my time with family and friends.
This weekend, my oldest sister Linda got married. Being able to assist her as she prepared for her special day allowed me to slow down and time became meaningful. And now, I am packing a picnic to go to the beach with my husband. I love the water (and my husband). Sitting at the beach, just breathing, allows time to slow down.
So, you are probably thinking… You crazy woman, no one can slow time down! Yes, I totally agree with you but what happens is that when we schedule time for ourselves, the body restores, the mind refreshes and the spirit replenishes. Then, we will be ready to take on the next day and the next.
On this Memorial Day weekend, let’s take time to remember those who paid the ultimate sacrifice, so that we can be free. Take the time to Remember, Reflect and experience Joyful Gratitude!
I want to challenge you to do something today that will allow time to refill your soul. Go for a walk… Call a great friend… Turn up your music and dance like no one is watching. (Here is a song to get you in the mood… It’s Party Time!)
I am still excited about all of last week’s shows… Such great inspirational people who touched my life. I hope you enjoyed them as well. If you missed listening to any of last week’s shows, there are two ways you can still listen. They are updated daily to our website (Click Here to listen) and you can go to iTunes (for iPhones) or Google Play Music (for Android phones), search for “Lillian McDermott,” and listen to the shows, commercial free, at your leisure (Click Here to learn more). Let’s continue to Grow Together!
It is a new week and here is what’s happening on
The Lillian McDermott Radio Show!
Monday, 5-30-16 – 8 am to 9 am ~ Every little girl dreams about being a princess but what does it take to feel like a beauty queen? Miss Washington USA, Kelsey Schmidt and Miss Montana USA, Sibahn Doxey, were told they were too fat and, as children, they felt they were not enough. They will share their journey with us and how they are making a difference today. The Miss USA Pageant airs June 5, 2016 on Fox.
Tuesday, 5-31-16 – 8 am to 9 am ~ Have you ever thought “maaan, I wish someone would invent (insert whatever). Well, young mom, Mina Yoo, not only said these words but she also created a product called Qliplet. Do you have an idea for a new product or a business but you don’t know what to do next? Mina will share her story and the steps she took to turn her idea into a profitable business. By the way, we will be giving away Qliplets to 4 lucky callers. So call 321-241-1060 during the show and claim your prize!
Wednesday, 6-1-16 – 8 am to 9 am ~ Chef Dawn Ludwig has devoted her career to helping people discover the fun, beauty, and delicious taste of natural foods. Dawn’s passion is guiding families to incorporate better foods into their everyday lives. Dawn has teamed up with her husband Dr. David Ludwig, author of Always Hungry, to create recipes that are practical and healthy. She will share them with us.
Thursday, 6-2-16 – 8 am to 9 am ~ I was at a marketing event when I kept running into a man named Dr. Mitch Fine. We kept running into each other until I stopped and said, I love your smile. Well, the smile and the man have an incredible story to tell and he will share how he has turned his cancer diagnosis into an “I can thrive” holistic victory.
Friday, 6-3-16 – 8 am to 9 am ~ Is it possible to be a master of your reality? Is it possible to be happy and create an amazing life despite your circumstances? Author Alexi Panos says, Hell yes! That’s her mantra and she will teach us how to create 50 Ways to Yay!
It is a busy week and I hope you will set your reminder to meet me on the air… Let’s all listen & learn together!
So talk to me, listen and we will all learn together…
The Lillian McDermott Radio Show
~ Weekdays from 8 am to 9 am ~
On “The Talk To Me Station” AM 1060 WMEL & Worldwide on www.WhenYouNeedaFriend.com
Follow Me on ~ Facebook , Instagram, Twitter & YouTube!
Now on Podcast: search for Lilian McDermott in iTunes or Google Play Music on your podcast app!
Listen on your Computer or Smart Phone by going to my homepage and scroll down to “Live” stream… It is that easy!