Happy Sunday!
What an amazing week! So much is happening and I am grateful!
As I mentioned last month, I am now being featured monthly in the Health section for The Florida Today. I will keep this post short just in case you want to read my article. I truly hope you like it. Click Here to read my 3-12-15 article.
If you missed listening to any of last week’s shows, they are now updated daily… Click Here to listen and let’s continue to Grow Together!
It is a new week and here is what’s happening on
The Lillian McDermott Radio Show!
Monday, 3-16-15 – 9 am to 10 am ~ Going to the gym can be intimidating… Often times we keep ourselves from fitness because we just do not know where to start. After Kelli Palmer had her 4th child, she knew it was time to pursue her passion for fitness. And now she shares this passion on her TV show “FitLife with Kelli.” Kelli will join us to teach us how to be fit for life.
Tuesday, 3-17-15 – 9 am to 10 am ~ How many times have you heard, “Beauty comes from within.” Well, if that is true, why do so many of women have a low body image or struggle with being enough. Author of “Magnifique, Inside & Out,” Bruno Galpois, is a French native who grew up near Paris, the world-renowned center of style, beauty and fashion. He is an advisor for two-time Academy Award® winning actress Emma Thompson. Bruno will share how he protects human rights and helps others realize their true potential.
Wednesday, 3-18-15 – 9 am to 10 am ~ Harvard Graduate, Dr. Sara Gottfried, MD, suffered from the 4 F’s – “frazzled, frumpy, fat, and you can imagine the fourth ‘F’,” so we don’t have to… Guess what? Women are not the only ones who have issues with their hormones, men do too. Dr. Gottfried is the author of “The Hormone Reset,” and she will not only teach us why our hormones are acting up but she will also teach us how to start a protocol that will heal our metabolism!
Thursday, 3-19-15 – 9 am to 10 am ~ It’s Thankful Thursday with the Executive Director of A Network For Grateful Living, Kristi Nelson… Yay!!! Kristi just attended the Wisdom 2.0 conference. Wisdom 2.0 addresses the great challenge of our age: to not only live connected to one another through technology, but to do so in ways that are beneficial to our own well-being, effective in our work, and useful to the world. Kristi is always so inspirational and now… Wiser! I cannot wait to hear what she learned.
Friday, 3-20-15 – 9 am to 10 am ~ Sex is everywhere and we have become so desensitized to it. So, how do we instill purity of body and heart in our children? This is the question author Jennie Bishop faced as her daughter got older. Purity Works is a not-for-profit that helps parents with tools to protect their children and teach them how to love without fear. It is important to be ready and willing to speak to our children and I am glad Jennie will teach us how.
It is a busy week and I hope you will set your reminder to meet me on the air… Let’s all listen & learn together!
So talk to me, listen and we will all learn together…
The Lillian McDermott Radio Show
~ Weekdays from 9 am to 10 am ~
On “The Talk To Me Station” AM 1300 WMEL & Worldwide on www.WhenYouNeedaFriend.com.
Listen on your Smart Phone by going to my homepage and scroll down to “live stream”! It is that easy! 😉