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Happy Sunday!

Where did the time go? My last live show was on December 19th! Now it is the eve of The Twelfth Day of Christmas… Epiphany!



I will savor this last Christmas celebration and look forward to resuming the 8th year of The Lillian McDermott Radio Show/CLASSROOM!

Happy Three Kings Day… Happy Epiphany!



For those of you who have asked, yes, the Ground Therapy link on my shop with Lilly page has changed and it now includes all the Earthing products as well. I am excited about the pillowcase …  Check out all the new items, even these cute socks!

I am still excited about all last week’s shows… Such great inspirational people who touched my life. I hope you enjoyed them as well. If you missed listening to or watching any of last week’s shows, there are many ways you can still do that. All new shows are updated to our website on the day they air (Click Here to listen). You can watch my past shows on  (YouTube, and on Facebook. Or you can go to Apple Podcasts, Google Play MusicSpotify, Stitcher, TuneIn or iHeartRadio. search for “Lillian McDermott,” and listen to the podcasted shows, commercial free, at your leisure (Click Here to learn more). Let’s continue to Grow Together!


It is a new week and here is what’s happening on

The Lillian McDermott Radio Show/Classroom!


***Please note the NEW SCHEDULE change for Tuesday & Thursday ***


Monday, 1-6-20 Facebook Watch Party 5:05 pm  ~ Isn’t “New” so much fun?  Everything seems so special when the word “New” is before it; New Shoes, New Clothes, New Car, New Friendship, New Lover, New Job, New Life… I Rest My Case! Just the thought of a New Year makes us feel hopeful. But the difference between the Old & New Year is just a minute. Wouldn’t it be great if we could keep that “New Year” feeling, all year long? I will share how “Starting Over” can be an everyday choice? (Aired 1-9-19)


May the Spirit & Curiosity of The Three Kings Remain in You, All Year Long!


Tuesday, 1-7-20 Facebook LIVE 5:05 pm ~ Although this statistic might be incredulous to some, many of the teachers in the classroom have said that “95% of all illness is due to unresolved past trauma.” Typically, we focus on the body instead of our mind or spirit to heal. Have you heard of Recall Healing? Recall Healing helps us discover the root cause of disease. Michelle Schrader, PhD, and Jennifer Gramith, ND, CLT work together to help create awareness on how past trauma trapped in the body can keep us from truly healing. They will share how we can shift our health challenges by understanding the underlying cause of our health issues.


Wednesday, 1-8-20 Facebook LIVE 5:05 pm ~ Many of us carry our resentments, pain, and anger like a badge of honor. Some want to heal but just don’t know how. For others, traditional “talk” therapy seems costly or a waste of time. Psychologist and hypnotherapist Marisa Peer has created a formula for success called Rapid Transformational Therapy. Marisa has spent nearly 30 years treating clients including international superstars, CEOs, royalty, and Olympic athletes. She has helped thousands of people to overcome profound personal issues producing dramatic and life-changing results. Marisa is a best-selling author of five books, a speaker, and a teacher who empowers everyone to believe “they are enough!” Marisa will share how we can individually say, “I AM ENOUGH!” I am obsessed with and grateful to Marisa for thinking outside the box.


Thursday, 1-9-20 Facebook LIVE 8:05 am ~ Board Certified Heath Coach and CEO of Live Longer Medical, Lisa Guyer has taught us different ways our body can regenerate. It is important we look at the body as being unique and not “one size fits all.” As we enter the New Year, one thing we can do to love our bodies is cleanse them. Lisa will share all the different ways to kick off the New Year with a cleanse.


Friday, 1-10-20 Facebook Watch Party 8:05 am  ~ Have you ever wished you could meditate on a regular basis? So many of us get caught up in business and multitasking that we forget to just take 5 minutes for ourselves. Well, it is time to learn the basics of meditation with none other than Jason Stephenson! Jason has been involved in the meditation/relaxation music field for the past 15 years. He has the best YouTube meditation channel with over a million subscribers. Jason will share tips on how to develop a healthy meditation habit. (Aired 1-7-19)

It is a busy week and I hope you will set your reminder to meet me on the air…  Let’s all listen & learn together!

So, let’s discuss, listen and we will all learn together…  

The Lillian McDermott Radio Show/Classroom


Facebook LIVE 


Worldwide at WhenYouNeedaFriend.com

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On Demand:  Just click…  Apple Podcasts, Google Play MusicSpotify, Stitcher, Tunein or iHeartRadio!


Listen on your Computer or Smart Phone or click “Listen Live,” then select the correct time…   It is that easy!

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