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Time flies when we are having fun and eating a nutritarian lifestyle. As we get ready for a juice cleanse, I was wondering, WWJD… What Would Joel Do? Fortunately for us, it is time for world renowned, New York Times bestselling author, Joel Fuhrman, MD, to be our teacher in The Classroom! Dr. Fuhrman will share his wisdom on participating in a juice cleanse and water fast. I will be taking lots of notes.

Now you can listen commercial free at your leisure…Click here and let’s grow together:

Joel Fuhrman, MD, Juice Cleanse, Fasting & Emergency Weigh Loss

New Truths Series: The Book of Revelation Bible Study with Dr. Lorriane Day begins on August 17th! Early registration begins August 3rd. Go to WhenYouNeedaFriend.com to learn more.

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